Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Arp Report

Filer, Idaho

 The Founding Fathers were inspired by God to produce a Constitutional Republic.  The  Constitution places limitations on government and protects our individual God-given right to life, liberty and property.  However, today George Washington and other Founding Fathers would be considered right wing extremists as are constitutionalists today for supporting the original Founding Father’s intent of the Constitution.

            The Tenth Amendment states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

             Vladimir Lenin said, “The goal of socialism is Communism.  Both have always resulted  in slavery and the loss of freedom. 

              Pro-constitutional roadblocks are a socialist president’s executive orders and veto power, a socialist controlled Senate, a very liberal Supreme Court and a huge unelected bureaucracy including the EPA which is implementing United Nation’s Agenda 21(sustainable development) unscientific  carbon regulations ( which are destroying our energy production, economy and jobs.

            Obamacare must be repeal as it creates a National Identification Card.  Also death panels for seniors and abortion are included.  We have a federally controlled education system where students are indoctrinated with world government and unscientific, radical environmental propaganda.  We must stop amnesty for illegal aliens and anchor baby automatic citizenship.

            The solution is to stop funding unconstitutional agencies, programs and no-win wars.  Eliminate funding for the Departments of Education and Energy, the unscientific EPA, and stop all foreign aid.  Get informed by reading “The 5,000 Year Leap” by Cleon skousen outlining the twenty-eight principles of freedom in the Constitution and The New American magazine (

             Elected officials must uphold their Constitutional oath to limit government and protect us from enemies, foreign and domestic or be replaced.  We must get out of the world government United Nations by passing H.R. 1146.

A concerned citizen,

Adrian L. Arp, Ph.D.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Freedom Between Your Ears

Buhl, Idaho

By Jack Wayne Chappell

How in the hell the political superpowers ever divided and polarized our country into two

major political food groups called democrats vs. republicans is hard to imagine.
Well, to most it appears that they did. If so, they are the masters of social and psychological
tampering. Apparently, the big psychological guns know a whole lot more about us that we do
about them.
Yet, what seems to be, and what actually is, are very often two or more completely different
things. To start with, neither the Republican Party nor the Democrat Party represents the majority
of Americans, any more than does the Congress, the White House, or the Supreme Court.
For the most part, these entities represent themselves and their high dollar sponsors. It
is obvious by observing their words and behavior that they deign themselves much more
sophisticated and intelligent than the rest of us.
Many people of extraordinary intelligence and ability quite simply don’t vote, because they
believe the politicians to be a flock of crooks. The common thread amongst many is: “When
given the choice between the lesser of two evils, choose neither one.”
Thomas Paine once commented: “It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so
express it, that mental lying has produced in society.”
That comment, in and of itself, may strike the average reader as a tremendous

understatement, yet when tied to the body of the text of the publication titled: ‘The Age of
Reason’ Paine ties the statement in with many others, most of which would not be acceptable to
the vast majority of people in our world, and especially in the Intermountain West.
For example, Paine said in the same manifesto, “All national institutions of churches,
whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions set up to
terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”
There are plenty of Catholics, Muslims, and all denominations of Christians that would
disagree on the surface, but notice the key phrase. The key phrase is ‘All national institutions of
churches’. . .
In other words, state appointed or instituted churches, and back in the early days of pre-
revolutionary America, the King of England had ordained the Church of England as the official
church, the same as the Emperor of Rome had ordained the Catholic Church as the ‘official’
Paine went on to profess himself a deist, which means that he believed in God, but not
People who are born into and raised within the parameters of their various faiths and/or
religions have a tendency to cling to their dogmas from cradle to grave, and atheistic people
don’t stray to far from that equation.
There are Marxist atheists who are every whit as dogmatic, if not even more so, that certain
religious individuals and sects. The one philosophy, deism, is no more provable than it’s polar
opposite, atheism.
The Marxists, if you haven’t noticed, control more than their fair share of the democrat party,
and the republicans do their best to cater to all Christian religions across the board. They do this
on both sides because it is politically expedient.
Although democracy has its roots in ancient Greece from an era much prior to the time of
Jesus, it may be a safe assumption to guess that Jesus was neither democrat nor republican, and
so also it is doubtful that God favors either party.
The Republican Party would pray otherwise. Most of them are inclined to believe that, since
they accept God as the Almighty Creator, and that by and large the Democrat Party doesn’t,
ergo, God favors the Republicans. Loosely interpreted, God, therefore, must be a Republican.
While many democrats claim they believe in God, most of them also approve of things like
abortion and gay marriage, which mainstream Christianity considers ungodly, to say the least.
God, therefore, must be a conservative, and the devil is a liberal. The original republicans were
Aristotle and Plato, both of whom (or so it appears) thought they were smarter than God.
That’s basically what Idaho politics boils down to. There could be some truth to this thing
about God being a Republican, heck, I don’t know.
And, there may be only two major political food groups in America for as long as America
lasts, which, from all outward appearances, might not be that much longer. I call these two
parties ‘political food groups’ because both sides keep eating my lunch. All I know is what old
Will Rogers said one time:

“You can’t say civilization don’t advance . . . in every war, they kill you in a new way.”

WILL ROGERS, New York Times, Dec. 23, 1929

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Enjoy a fun night on the Snake River in Buhl, Idaho

Republican Liberty Fest

$8 Billion Ponzi Scheme

Buhl, Idaho

Subject: Romney Family Investment Group Partnered With Alleged Perpetrators Of $8 Billion Ponzi Scheme
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 00:05:41 +0000

Below my comments is what I received from an email.....I am looking into it further.  This is my take on what I have examined and thought so far...I have spent a lot of time investigating over the months researching Obama and Ron Paul.  Until now, I have done little research on Romney.  With the conviction of Allen Stanford last week, and the Idaho State Convention beginning tomorrow, I decided to research Romney.  This research is not finished yet, but I pass it on to you and my thoughts at present.  I hope you bear with me in this pursuit.  I am writing this from the perspective of handing this to delegates tomorrow at the Idaho State Convention.  It is not always easy to
discern what is true and not true on the internet.

Ask yourself, if you really want to beat Obama, will the leftist press be harder on Romney once he is the sole pick of the Republicans?  Certainly, Oh's machine will pounce grizzly-like on Romney, most likely destroying any wisdom of the Republican choice for nominee.   Another option may now be occurring, where neither the Dem nor Rep candidate will try to slaughter each other and will go soft on each other and evade issues for "political correctness".  If Obama slaughters Romney, we will lose credibility.  This will discourage voters who really want to get Obama out and some people will lose confidence even further in the voting process, be angry and may fail to vote, thus assuring a closer victory for Obama.  
Republicans must guard against anything to discourage a low voter turn out or add to the moral crisis issue in leadership of the Republican party, or we will be lumped together in corruption with the present regime.  As of today, I saw one poll showing Obama being ahead with 40 per cent for Romney.  I saw another poll with Romney being ahead.  Furthermore, with the declaration of the amnesty for Hispanics, they will feel gratefully beholden to vote for Obama.   I urge you to do more investigating on your own,  consider that the strength of the Ron Paul movement and his upstanding character, lack of conflict of financial interests and his strong debating skills could importantly and easily be thewinning ticket for the Republican Party more than they ever dreamed.  I hate to see us shoot ourselves-- not in the foot, but in the head, committing political suicide when we so desperately need a true change.  The other possibility is because of Romney's vast contracts with media and conservative talk show hosts, will the media protect him who pays the paycheck?

Although it was just in the beginning of the debates I had a rational suspicion, that with Romney's megabucks, there could be serious conflicts of interest.  The longer we go until the National Convention, there are actual indications of information coming to the forefront......but remaining mostly unannounced by the major media.  Would you invest as Romney in a spy-camera-producing China company which produces cameras to spy on Chinese citizens and foreign workers?  So what's the diff between cameras and 30,000 U.S. drones?  Is this why military spending must be increased by several trillion under Romney?  Investing in China may be wise on the sheer numbers of population with a rising industrial output, but why not choose something with freedom's values?  Romney claimed he didn't know where those in charge of his portfolio invested his money.  He asked his lawyer to divest of anything that might be a conflict of interest, but has that really happened? Does it only make common sense that with millions of dollars invested in businesses, media, and foreign countries, he will guard his own interests possibly more than America's interests?

So far, we started with  "Ron Paul Isn't Electable"  and "Romney is definitely the Chosen One" being touted by the media.  Then, by the voters  "Anybody but O".   Then when all the Rep. hopefuls ended up being two, the slogan changed to "Anybody but  Romney" among conservatives as enthusiasm for him was low. Then it changed to "Romney is the Republican nominee" by my own Republican party who bullied, couldn't count votes correctly and squelched Ron Paulers all over the country.  This was noticed by thousands of viewers and bloggers and You Tube enthusiasts. Then even  before Romney had the needed delegate counts which the press was over reporting, the Republicans announced Romney is the winner.  Why did we not wait until November and let time help us in our selection?  

Now, June 14, 2012, comes the conviction of Mitt's business partner, Allen Stanford.  The sentence was reduced  to 110 years for a Ponzi scheme of massive ongoing twenty-yearfraud--plus falsifying of records.   If Mitt does not have the ability, time, and discretion to track his money investments and, he lacks perception in choosing a business partner, how can he rule wisely as President of the United States in this time of crisis? 

That is not all.   Does Romney control the purse strings of the press or media?   What about Bain Capital?   Only about 50 people own the major media outlets.  If so, it is reason enough on it's own in my estimation to not vote for him when we examine the total biased, deliberate dissing,  and blackout of Ron Paul on news and media and the promotion of Romney from day one.  We are a country under the influence of unperceived propaganda.  A controlled press is un-American, but there are over 1,000 media outlets owned by Bain.  Is this why Fox released one of their top programs (The Judge) and employed far, far left reporters or was there other pressures?   

Unless someone can convince me otherwise with facts:  Ron Paul is still a bold, gentlemanly, honest, intelligent, economist, statesman, educator, supreme debater, world historian, caring and compassionate freedom lover, inciting fires of freedom in minds and hearts of individuals, and he is dearly beloved for his character, intelligence and enthusiasm.  His campaign slogan is to Restore America Now ....we need himnow......and as far as many in his camp, there has always only been one candidate who would make a difference and a
good president, and others are seeing some of the light of that choice as time goes on.  There are also the silent Ron Paulers that
are not vocal, but strongly believe in his prinicples....and nobody knows how many that may be.

As some wisely advise "Follow the money", I took a look at Mitt's top donors.  They include banks and investment firms who received bail out money with the tab going to the federal deficit and taxpayer.  How ironic!  The Federal Reserve prints money to bail-out banks and investment firms, these firms then donate to Obama and Romney.  Romney's Bain Capital and Bain and Company donated to Romney and to Obama. If this is what is going on.... Romney's group from whom he receives money as part of his previous position in the company, is giving money to both sides.  Other big donors to Romney's campaign include: Goldman Sacks ($367,200); Credit Suisse Group ($203,750); Morgan Stanley ($199,800); HIG Capital ($186.500); Barclay's ($157,750); Bank of America ($126,500); J.P. Morgan/Chase ($112.250); Bain Capital ($74,500); Wells Fargo ($61,500); Citigroup ($57,050); Bain & Company ($52,500).   The Occupy Wall Street Truthers were not upset about earning money legally, they were protesting cheating and lying.  Remember, the old adage birds of a feather flock together.  Some should be tarred together!  Most of these listed (not Bain directly) were predicted to fail long before the bailout happened.    

Romney has said that the rule to control cheating or regulating in the markets should be abolished.  Does that mean his friends will be off the hook, or himself.  He has stated he didn't do anything illegal.  Well, when the fox is making the rules, so what if it's legal or not?  We need moral fiber and common sense that goes beyond the letter of the law.  We should not shrug this off as Republicans at this time before the National Convention.  We need to face these important questions, research the issues and be extra cautious because as you know, our country and Constitution are in an ICU.  Again, I urge our Idaho delegates to support as our nominee one who can incrementally bring strong economic stability and sound moral courage without conflicts of interest to the Presidency and the United States of America.  He is a diagnostician of the highest quality.  Dr. Ron Paul.  As one person stated, "We have presidential elections every four years, but a rEVOLution once in a lifetime."

Obama is out of touch with the average main street and unemployed crowd, spending wildly, ruling dictatorially; Romney is swimming in money and out of touch with the average American and can't get his stories straight, Ron Paul is considered "One of us and someone to trust".

Let's help end the dominance and greed of the last 100 years with Ron Paul's leadership.   

Yours for a free and honest America, 

District 23 Delegate, Jan Wimberley, 208 543-8013

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The CBO Sees the Economic Cliff Ahead

Lake Jackson, Texas

Last week the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) issued its annual long-term budget outlook report, and the 2012 numbers are not promising. In fact, the CBO estimates that federal debt will rise to 70% of GDP by the end of the year-- the highest percentage since World War II. The report also paints a stark picture of entitlement spending, as retiring Baby Boomers will cause government spending on health care, Social Security, and Medicare to explode as a percentage of GDP in coming years.
While the mainstream media correctly characterized the CBO report as highly pessimistic, they also ignored longstanding errors of methodology in CBO estimates. And those errors tend to support arguments for higher taxes and government spending, when in fact America needs exactly the opposite.
As Paul Roderick Gregory explained in a recent Forbes column (, CBO has always applied wrongheaded assumptions inherent in Keynesian economics when forecasting future deficits - no matter how many times both history and economic theory have proven such assumptions incorrect. In particular, CBO seems wedded to two enduring Keynesian myths: First, that higher taxes necessarily increase federal revenue and have no negative effect on the economy; and second, that lower government spending hurts the economy.  Neither is true, of course.
CBO also fails to factor in unexpected wars and expensive foreign entanglements, and we should not assign too much validity to predictive models based on peace. Judging from the actions and rhetoric coming from both parties in Washington, new military entanglements in Syria and Iran may well spike military spending in coming years.
Despite these sobering budget realities, the CBO report suggests that a solution is possible with merely a few minor adjustments in the way Congress handles economic issues. But what we need are not minor adjustments, but rather a fundamental shift in our philosophy of government.  If we could come to our senses about the proper role of government in America, and what level of government interference is appropriate in a free economy, we would quickly find that there is no reason for government to spend so much, borrow so much, and tax so much.
If we simply allowed markets to work free of governmental or Federal Reserve interference, bad debt would be liquidated relatively quickly and malinvestment would be curtailed. Scaled-back regulations would encourage businesses to expand. Lower taxes would jump start investment and spur job creation.
This is not rocket science, it is Economics 101. All it would take is for government to get out of the way. There would be some short term pain, of course, but only by allowing the bubble to burst and bad debt to liquidate can we ever hope to begin building a real economy again.
The CBO report was alarming to most simply because they know neither party will take the steps necessary to avoid eventual fiscal calamity. Instead, despite their rhetoric, both parties want to maintain the fantasy that “deficits don’t matter.” But the CBO report, combined with what is happening in Greece and the European Union, should finally make the undeniable case that economic realities apply even to industrialized first world economies. We must take concrete steps today to avoid having America become the next Greece.
Congressman Ron Paul of Texas

Friday, June 8, 2012

Idaho Republicans to Converge on Twin Falls

Boise, Idaho

To: Idaho Republican Party Executive Committee
      Idaho Republican Party State Central Committee

From: Norm Semanko, State Chairman

Subject: Call for the 2012 Idaho Republican Convention

Pursuant to the direction of the Idaho Republican State Central Committee, the 2012 Idaho State Republican Party Convention shall be convened at the College of Southern Idaho in Twin Falls, Idaho on June 21-23, 2012.

The Convention will be conducted according to the Rules of the Convention, Articles III-VI, adopted by the delegates to the 2010 Idaho Republican Party Convention unless amended by the 2012 Convention Rules Committee and approved by the 2012 Convention Delegates.

The official schedule will soon be published. There will also be a meeting of the State Executive Committee, as well as a State Central Committee Meeting at the call of the Chair during the Convention.

Articles I and II of the Rules for Selection of Delegates to the Republican State Convention are included for your review (below).

Finally, we have secured a block of rooms at the La Quinta Inn located at 539 Pole Line Road in Twin Falls for both Thursday June 21st and Friday, June 22nd. To receive the special room rate of $95/night, please call 208-736-9600 and mention that you are with the Idaho Republican State Convention. I have also attached a list of hotels in Twin Falls for Convention participants if you choose not to stay at the La Quinta Inn.


Norm Semanko
Chairman, Idaho Republican Party


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Enjoy a fun night on the Snake River in Buhl, Idaho

War Drums for Syria?

Lake Jackson, Texas

War drums are beating again in Washington. This time Syria is in the crosshairs after a massacre there last week left more than 100 dead. As might be expected from an administration with an announced policy of "regime change" in Syria, the reaction was to blame only the Syrian government for the tragedy, expel Syrian diplomats from Washington, and announce that the US may attack Syria even without UN approval. Of course, the idea that the administration should follow the Constitution and seek a Declaration of War from Congress is considered even more anachronistic now than under the previous administration.
It may be the case that the Syrian military was responsible for the events last week, but recent bombings and attacks have been carried out by armed rebels with reported al-Qaeda ties. With the stakes so high, it would make sense to wait for a full investigation -- unless the truth is less important than stirring up emotions in favor of a US attack.
There is ample reason to be skeptical about US government claims amplified in mainstream media reports. How many times recently have lies and exaggerations been used to push for the use of force overseas? It was not long ago that we were told Gaddafi was planning genocide for the people of Libya, and the only way to stop it was a US attack. Those claims turned out to be false, but by then the US and NATO had already bombed Libya, destroying its infrastructure, killing untold numbers of civilians, and leaving a gang of violent thugs in charge.
Likewise, we were told numerous falsehoods to increase popular support for the 2003 war on Iraq, including salacious stories of trans-Atlantic drones and WMDs. Advocates of war did not understand the complexities of Iraqi society, including its tribal and religious differences. As a result, Iraq today is a chaotic mess, with its ancient Christian population eliminated and the economy set back decades. An unnecessary war brought about by lies and manipulation never ends well.
Earlier still, we were told lies about genocide and massacres in Kosovo to pave the way for President Clinton's bombing campaign against Yugoslavia. More than 12 years later, that region is every bit as unstable and dangerous as before the US intervention – and American troops are still there.
The story about the Syrian massacre keeps changing, which should raise suspicions. First, we were told that the killings were caused by government shelling, but then it was discovered that most were killed at close range with handgun fire and knives. No one has explained why government forces would take the time to go house to house binding the hands of the victims before shooting them, and then retreat to allow the rebels in to record the gruesome details. No one wants to ask or answer the disturbing questions, but it would be wise to ask ourselves who benefits from these stories.
We have seen media reports over the past several weeks that the Obama administration is providing direct "non-lethal" assistance to the rebels in Syria while facilitating the transfer of weapons from other Gulf States. This semi-covert assistance to rebels we don't know much about threatens to become overt intervention. Last week Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said about Syria, "I think the military option should be considered." And here all along I thought it was up to Congress to decide when we go to war, not the generals.
We are on a fast track to war against Syria. It is time to put on the brakes.
Congressman Ron Paul of Texas

Who is Ron Paul?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Twin Falls has a Benedict Arnold in the GOP

Twin Falls, Idaho

Rusty Satterwhite an organizer of “TEARS of the Patriots” poll-vaulted himself to a position of leadership of the not yet organized Tea Party movement and then on to the Ron Paul meet-up groups. Oh, Rusty talked the talk, giving constitutional speeches.  He seemed to be a real Tea Party Indian decked out with feathers and war-paint and on board for the Ron Paul Rev-love-ution.

 In 2010 the Ron Paul Republicans got over fifty percent of the committeemen elected to Twin Falls Central Committee, giving them the leverage necessary to get Ron Paul delegates to the State Convention,  but something happened. The Paulers nominated Rusty but he declined the position and gave his support to Gretchen.  Gretchen secretly appointed Jim Fort as committeeman for the establishment, as the D.A., Grant Lobes and Jennifer, his assistant both looked on.  The D.A. and Jennifer held elected and appointed positions in violation of the Idaho State Constitution.  Needless to say the members of the “Tears of the Patriots” really did have something to cry about after Rusty did his Benedict Arnold act!

  A vote was taken and it was tied because of Jim Fort.  However Gretchen voted for herself, with the help of non-committeemen, strangers and phony phone calls to fictitious attorneys for a surreptitious ruling that she could vote breaking the tie and defraud unsuspecting newly elected committeemen and stealing their meeting.

 Rusty’s reward for his dirty deed is to be appointed as Chairman to the Idaho State Republican Convention, coincidentally being held in Twin Falls. This should guarantee that all Ron Paul supporters and delegates will be squelched in 2012.  That is why Rusty and gang have banned videotaping in public meetings and threatened to have me arrested if I showed up with a camera and dare to expose the truth .
Who was Benedict Arnold?

Dan Gill

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Capital Controls Have No Place in a Free Society

Washington, DC

The characteristic mark of a tyrannical regime is that it eventually finds it necessary to erect walls to keep people from leaving.  This is why we should be troubled by the “Ex-PATRIOT Act,” an egregiously offensive bill recently introduced in the Senate.  Following a long line of recent legislation and regulations attempting to expropriate more and more wealth from hard-working Americans, this new bill spits in the face of overburdened taxpayers and tramples on the Constitution. 
Current law already dictates that Americans with a net worth of over $2 million who expatriate must be assumed to have sold all their assets and must pay a corresponding punitive exit taxon those assumed sales.  The Ex-PATRIOT Act goes even further than current law by assessing a 30% capital gains tax on all future earnings of expatriates.  Not content just with this additional tax, the bill also grants the IRS the sole authority to determine whether individuals have expatriated for tax purposes and allows the IRS to bar those individuals from ever re-entering the United States.  Finally, the bill blatantly violates the ex post facto provisions of the U.S. Constitution by extending all of these provisions to anyone who has given up their U.S. citizenship within the past decade.  
This bill, and other similar legislation, casts a chilling effect on saving, investment, and entrepreneurial activity.  The bill was introduced in response to news reports about one of the founders of Facebook who might save millions of dollars of taxes by renouncing his U.S. citizenship.  But in their blind envy towards successful entrepreneurs, the bill's sponsors ignore the fact that they will ensnare many ordinary middle-class Americans who work hard, save and invest wisely, and benefit from rising home values.  These Americans may easily find themselves pushing past the $2 million mark by the time they retire, especially as inflation continues to seriously accelerate.  If they wish to escape the Federal Reserve's inflation by emigrating to lower-cost countries so their dollars will go farther, as many Baby Boomers are starting to do, the federal government will penalize them, and continue to penalize them for the rest of their lives as long as they hold any money in the United States. 
Unfortunately, the mere consideration of such legislation, even before it has passed, has made American banking customers a potential future headache for banks around the world.  They don't want to deal with the IRS any more than Americans do, and if American account holders become a Trojan horse for the IRS to insinuate themselves into their affairs, there may be more cost than benefit to extending banking services to Americans.
We live under a federal government that has eviscerated our Fourth Amendment rights, that can detain U.S. citizens indefinitely based solely on the President's word, that assaults toddlers and grandmothers at airports in the name of security, and regulates virtually every aspect of our economic lives.  No wonder increasing numbers of Americans feel this government is engaged in outright warfare against its own citizens.  Every day the noose grows tighter, yet anyone who sees the writing on the wall and seeks to leave must pay exorbitant taxes just for the privilege of leaving, and increasingly the possibility looms of never fully breaking away from the government's tentacles no matter where they go.  Ultimately, the Ex-PATRIOT Act proposes to control people by controlling their capital, and it has no place in a free society.
Congressman Ron Paul of Texas

Friday, June 1, 2012

Republican Legislative District 23 Convention

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mountain Home, Idaho
8 pm, AJs Cafe

Republican Legislative District 23

Chairman Gary Davis, Twin Falls County called the meeting to order pursuant to the laws of the State of Idaho.  The purpose was the re organization of the Legislative District Committee.

Chairman Davis appointed Rick Martin of Deep Creek to act as Secretary.

Chairman Davis asked for the roll call

Rick Martin reported that the quorum of over seventeen (17) precincts was made (Exhibit #1)

Chairman Davis asked Twin Falls County Republican Party Chairman, Steve Millington to open the meeting with a prayer.

Terry Kramer, Castleford made a motion to approve the Agenda.

Chris Pentico, of Mountain Home seconded the motion.

Motion carried

Chairman Davis opened the floor for nominations for the position of Chairman

Barry Peterson, of Mt. Home nominated Chris Pentico as District Chairman

No other nominations were made.

Chris Pentico was elected by unanimous consent

Chairman Pentico opened the floor for nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman.

Eric Beus, of Riddle nominated Gene Winchester as District Vice-Chairman

No other nominations were made.

Gene Winchester was elected by unanimous consent

Eric Beus, of Riddle nominated Rick Martin for the position of District Secretary

No other nominations were made.

Rick Martin was elected by unanimous consent

Chairman Pentico opened the Legislative District Delegate Assembly

Barry Peterson, of Mt. Home nominated Chris Pentico, Gene Winchester and Rick Martin as Primary Delegates

No other nominations were made.

Chris Pentico, Gene Winchester and Rick Martin were elected by unanimous consent.

Jan Wimberley was nominated as Alt Delegate #1

Judith Lords was nominated as Alt Delegate #2

State Senator Bert Brackett was nominated as Alt Delegate #3

No other nominations were made.

Jan Wimberley, Judith Lords and State Senator Bert Brackett were elected by unanimous consent.

Twin Falls County Republican Party Chairman, Steve Millington reported on the Idaho State Republican Convention to be held in Twin Falls during June.

Rex Reed of Twin Falls County made a motion to appoint Chris Pentico as Chairman of the Delegation.

Motion Carried

Terry Kramer, Castleford made a motion to designate Chris Pentico to sit on a convention committee.

Motion Carried

Chairman Pentico asked for a motion for adjournment.

Motion Carried


Rick Martin, Secretary                                                            Chris Pentico, Chairman


Santa Clara, California

THANK YOU, READERS! Last month, I had asked you to e-mail Mrs. Trieber about writing a North Valley News article focusing on how wonderful it must be to be married to Bro. Trieber. Your response was amazing! This month, I thought I would turn the tables on myself—“What is it like to be married to Mrs. Trieber?” I could write painful and difficult or use descriptions like nutcase and strange… all of which, however, are furthest from the truth.
Being married to Mrs. Cindie Trieber—40 years on December 23—has been nothing short of incredible! She has been not only a tremendous wife and mother but also an extraordinary blessing to the ministry. Thus, I thought I would list for you many of her attributes, each one having fashioned a truly wonderful life for us.
Please know that these are not in alphabetical order or necessarily in a specific order; yet each one is important to me—
· Mrs. Trieber has been faithful to our Lord, our marriage, our family, and this ministry.
· She’s the world’s best mother.
· She’s the world’s best grandmother (Nana).
· She’s spiritual (wonderful prayer life).
· She’s great with people.
· She’s fun.
· She’s disciplined.
· She’s the best giver I know. If she has a $10 bill, she will give it away.
· She has been health conscious for herself, for our children, and for me (provides nourishing, good meals).
· She’s always taken care of her appearance (weight under control).
· She keeps our home immaculate (daily) and keeps up on all household chores.
· She’s a great decorator.
· She’s wise.
· She has insight. She can read people and situations extremely well.
· She dresses not only in modesty but also in style.
· She’s determined.
· She’s a leader yet a follower.
· She’s musical.
· She’s a great entertainer.
· She’s opinionated but not rude.
· She’s not dull (dull would drive me crazy).
· She doesn’t eat in her car!
· She never goes to bed with dishes in the sink or anything else out of order.
· She always takes time for people (everyone), adults and children alike.
· She’s smart.
· She’s beautiful.
· She’s honest.
· She’s an incredible speaker. She can “out-preach” (out-teach) most men.
· She’s organized—closets, drawers, house, car, schedule, etc.
· She’s feisty.
· She’s social.
· She’s athletic.
· She’s funny.
· She’s thrifty.
· She’s a great counselor.
· She’s an exceptional cook.
· She’s an excellent writer and poet.
· She enjoys work.
· She’s keeps everything clean—house, car, etc.
· She’s tender.
· She’s a people-person.
· She’s perceptive.
· She’s a great example.
· She’s compassionate.
· She’s balanced.
· She’s expressive.
· She lives for others.
· She’s plump. (No, she’s not! She’s the opposite. I thought I would add this to see if you are actually reading this article.)
· She likes to win.
· She’s classy.
· She has a good name.
· She snores. (Again, just threw this in to make sure you are still reading.)
· She’s sentimental.
· She’s forgiving.
· She’s persistent.
· She’s intelligent.
· She’s a multi-tasker.
· She’s sacrificial.
· She lives for her heritage.
· She loves our Lord.
· She’s quiet (not a loud-mouth, gossiping woman).
· She has served in every area of our church these last 36+ years. She’s been the school principal, the church pianist, a secretary, a Sunday school teacher, a bus worker, the junior church “pastor,” a choir member, among many other areas of service. She’s involved in soul winning, youth work, children’s programs, housekeeping, decorating, writing, teaching, counseling, maintenance, etc.
· She has conviction.
· She loves me, our family, my family, and her family.
· She has been bruised, hurt, and neglected many times yet never holds a grudge.
· She’s determined to stay healthy.
· She’s a great reader, especially in the area of health.
· She understands people.
· She’s a working machine.
· She’s a compassionate, direct, no-nonsense counselor to people.
· She’s feminine.
· She’s a first-class lady.
· She’s good at rubbing my back and neck!
· She will abuse me for writing this article. She hates displays like this. Oh well, that’s what makes life interesting with Mrs. Trieber.
Cindie, you’re the best!


Pastor Trieber has served as the pastor of the North Valley Baptist Church since March 1976. He is also the Chancellor of Golden State Baptist College. His latest book is Words to Live By.