Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Rash Judgment

I'm taking a zero tolerance position to folks who speak ill of the Constitutional promise given to created states after the original thirteen colonies.  Mr. Pete Zimowsky, Outdoor Editor for the Idaho Statesman gets my first response to his attack of our legislator's for even considering the idea of state ownership of federal lands within Idaho.  Read for yourself his comment in this weekend Statesman.
Leave federal public land alone:  Idaho legislators need to go out,  enjoy the outdoors on public lands, and smell the wild roses.  State lawmakers are looking at passing legislation to transfer control of federal public land in Idaho to the state.  The state can't even take care of its state parks.  The governor and the legislature severely cut funding to state parks several years ago.  What's the motive behind the takeover?  It's anyone's  guess.  Sell off public lands to the highest bidder?  Clear-cut forests,  strip-mine mountains and overgraze grasslands for one-time profit that leaves public lands in shambles? Idaho has 33 million acres of federally managed lands,  and as a hunter,  angler and camper,  I don't want the beauty,  recreational value and environmental quality of these lands compromised.  Hunters,  anglers an other recreationists need to speak up and tell Idaho legislators to leave federal public lands alone!
My response;
Mr. Zimowsky,

I’m surprised that a self proclaimed outdoorsman would make such rash judgment about Idaho’s legislators need to smell Idaho’s wild roses.  There will be no wild roses, scenic forests or clean rivers and streams unless Idaho takes charge of her natural responsibility and cares for her forests and range lands.  The federal government’s preservation policies for territories within Idaho are killing our once majestic environment.  Wild and forest fires consumed about 1.5 million acres in Idaho last summer destroying forests, habitats and millions of game and non-game animals.  The fires were consequence of years of failed federal land management policies that are further crippling Idaho’s ability to care for our children’s educational needs and leaving them a future where fishing, hunting and recreation opportunities are shrinking.  Idaho’s 1.5 million acre forest (as much acreage burnt in Idaho's federal land last summer) provided $31 million dollars to our schools last year while the federal forests within Idaho of 17.3 million acres provided only charcoal.  Maybe you Pete should get out in the forest more and see for yourself the beetle kill (next year’s fire fodder), the habitat destruction and this springs runoff sure to take Idaho’s soil down the river of no return.

Darr Moon 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Making our own choices

Chaplain Bertram Bobb
We are thankful for another year of God’s blessing for the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and friends.
Today, there are many people who seem to have no purpose for living, no motivating challenge.
Jesus Christ doesn’t call us to be bystanders. When a person accepts Jesus Christ as his or her personal Savior, he or she becomes a member of the Body of Christ. It means that you have chosen Jesus Christ and you are following Him.
“Are you a Christian?” I mean a true Christian, a born-again Christian. There are many people who have a wrong idea of what a Christian is. They say, “A Christian is a person who prays.” Christians do pray, but prayer doesn’t make a Christian. Or people say, “A Christian lives by the Golden Rule.” But living by the Golden Rule doesn’t make you a Christian.
A person may be sincere, but that doesn’t make him a Christian. Some people think a Christian is one who keeps the Ten Commandments. Everybody has broken the commandments. We read in the Book of James 2:10: “For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.”
If we break one commandment, we have broken them all. That is called “SIN” in the Bible.
Some people say, “A Christian is a person who goes to church.” Yes, a Christian ought to go to church, but attending church doesn’t make one a Christian.
What is a Christian? First, a Christian is a person who has made a choice. Second, a change has taken place in his life. And third, he has accepted a challenge.
Now, I emphasize very briefly these three things.
First, a Christian is a person who has made a choice. All the way through the Bible we are asked to make choices. Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden made the wrong choice. They rebelled against God. They chose to try to rebuild their world without God, and they made a terrible, tragic mistake. We read that record in Genesis 2 and 3. They broke God’s law and passed the results of their disobedience on to Cain and Able, their children, and they have passed the results on to you and to me.
We are all sinners, and we are capable of sin and we all sin.
We have to choose. Read what Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14: “Enter ye in at the strait gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
He said that only a few people are on the narrow road that leads to heaven. The majority are on a broad road that leads to judgment, destruction and hell. Which road are you on?
It is what you do about Jesus Christ, His cross and His resurrection that counts. If we enter that narrow gate at the cross and say, “Yes, Lord, I believe, I turn from my sins; I am willing to change my ways of living,” we will walk on the narrow road which may be rocky and rough and tough. But at the end will be Heaven. As we walk on that narrow road, God will give us new power, a new love and new joy.
Second, a Christian is a person whose life has been changed. That is done by the Holy Spirit. The moment you receive Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God comes to live in your heart. We read in II Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
Christ is One who does it. He transforms your life, He makes you a new person. Has a change taken place in your life?
Third, a Christian is a person who has accepted a challenge. Jesus said, “…If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24).
In other words, when we deny self, we deny selfish ambitions, we deny selfish, sinful pleasures. Then we turn and take up our cross. What did Jesus mean by that? He is saying that when you go and tell people that you have received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior they may laugh at you. They may make fun of you. Maybe your friends will no longer have anything to do with you. You will have to pay a price.
Some people resist the idea of a choice of any sort. But Jesus taught that there are two roads and you have to choose which road you will take. We cannot travel both roads. Jesus does not allow us to be neutral about Him. Jesus demands that we decide about him.
The Bible teaches that “God is love” (1 John 4:8). He loves you. He is interested in you. He loves you with an everlasting love. (Jeremiah 31:3). And He wants to forgive you. He wants to come into your life and into your home and into your work to help you.
What do you have to do? You have to be willing to say, “God, I am a sinner.” That is repentance. You have to be willing to turn from sin. Then by faith commit your life to Jesus Christ and put Him first from now on. You can pray a prayer something like this: “O God, I am a sinner, I trust Jesus as my Savior.”
God doesn’t make that choice for us. God gave his Son to forgive our sins and to give us eternal life, and He helps us to make the choices by sending His Holy Spirit to convict us. But we make our own choice. God doesn’t make the choice for us. God gave His Son to forgive our sins and to give us eternal life, and He helps us to make the choice by sending His Holy Spirit to convict us. But we make our own choice.
Will you continue to pray for America? Pray for our Chief, Assistant Chief and the Tribal Council members as they lead our Nation. Remember our service men and woman in our armed services.


Santa Clara, California

Welcome to the month of February! Where did the time go? It seems as though we just put out the fall and Christmas decorations, and now it is time to get the house decorated for Valentine’s Day.
If you have not taken the time to sit down and plan out your calendar, do so now; it is not too late. Your life will be more productive and your household will run more smoothly if you plan ahead.
I hope that you have this month well planned especially since it is the month that we are to express our love to those who mean so much to us. (Should we not be doing this every day?) Make the 14th day of this month special for your family. If you do not have family nearby, make it special for someone. We need to teach by our example. Children will do as they are taught. If they see you reach out to others with compassion and demonstrate acts of kindness that make people feel valued, loved and significant, they will do so as well. Plan now to make the day great! Buy those cards and special gifts. Don’t let February the 14th come and go without making it the special day it was intended to be.
Maybe you really blew it last year, so why not recover this year? Go ahead; you will be glad you did!
The greatest gift you can give to anyone is to share the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Who will be in heaven because you took the time to tell him how he could know that heaven is his eternal home? Simply share your testimony with people and explain how they can know for sure about heaven. The greatest gift of love ever given was God’s son, Jesus. He left all of heaven’s glory and was nailed to a rugged cross to die for us! What love! Did you tell someone today about Jesus? If not, plan to do so tomorrow. His story is truly the greatest love story ever written.
Someone once said, “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” How are you doing in the giving department? Start now…today, not tomorrow or next month.
Have a wonderful month,
Mrs. T


Cindie Trieber has served the people of North Valley Baptist Church for more than three decades as the Pastor’s Wife. She teaches in the college and is a godly mother and “Nana." She recently completed her first book entitled With All My Heart.

Wanted by the FBI

Murder Victim
Cabo Real, Mexico


Subject ImageSubject ImageSubject Image
Photograph taken in 1998Photograph taken in 2000Photograph taken in 2000


Date(s) of Birth Used:

June 23, 1979




135 pounds












Johnson was a photography and journalism student. She resided in Michigan.


On April 28, 2001, 21-year-old Erin Elizabeth Johnson was vacationing in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, with her boyfriend. Following an argument the couple had that evening, Johnson boarded a local bus, presumably to return to her hotel. The boyfriend reported her missing the next morning when he returned to the hotel room and could not find Johnson. On May 4, 2001, Johnson's body was found on the beach in Cabo Real, Mexico, in an advanced state of decomposition. She had been strangled to death.


The FBI is offering a reward for information leading to the identification, arrest, and conviction of the person(s) responsible for the death of Erin Elizabeth Johnson.
If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.
Field Office: Los Angeles

Mentally Disabled Used to Scam Government

Abuse of Trust
It’s hard to believe…a longtime Detroit doctor taking advantage of severely mentally disabled adults to line his own pocket.
Earlier this month, Dr. Alphonso Berry and two criminal colleagues—a married couple named Marcus and Beth Jenkins—pled guilty to defrauding the government by submitting more than $13.2 million worth of phony claims to Medicare over a seven-year period for group and individual psychotherapy sessions that were never provided.
How the scam operated. In 2004, Marcus and Beth Jenkins incorporated Quality Recreation and Rehabilitation (QRR), an adult day care center that claimed to provide psychotherapy services. At the same time, they also operated adult foster care homes in the Detroit area that provided 24-hour personal care, protection, and supervision for individuals who were—for the most part—mentally or physically disabled. The couple obtained Medicare provider numbers for QRR and clinicians working on staff, including Dr. Alphonso Berry.
For four years, the Jenkinses transported Medicare beneficiaries residing at adult foster care homes (both theirs and others) to QRR, and in concert with Dr. Berry—who often signed patient progress charts and progress notes for individual and group psychotherapy sessions—submitted claims to Medicare for psychotherapy services for these beneficiaries that were never provided. The funds received from Medicare—approximately $1.8 million—were diverted from QRR’s bank accounts into the hands of the Jenkinses and Dr. Berry.
Then, around June 2008, QRR received notice from Medicare questioning its submitted claims and the legitimacy of its psychotherapy services. But rather than shut down their fraudulent scheme, Marcus and Beth Jenkins simply opened a new adult day care facility called Procare a few months later, which also supposedly offered psychotherapy services. Again, the Jenkinses would transport Medicare patients from adult foster care homes to Procare, and Dr. Berry would sign patient charts and notes. Over the next four years, approximately $6.5 million more in phony claims were submitted; Medicare ended up paying Procare approximately $2.5 million on those claims. And once again, the funds were diverted into the hands of the Jenkinses and Dr. Berry, who spent the money on lavish lifestyles.
The case began in October 2010 when the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) received a referral based on an unusually high number of hours being billed per day by Dr. Berry (sometimes surpassing 24 hours in one day). HHS reached out to the FBI, and we soon began investigating with our partners from HHS’ Office of Inspector General. We examined financial records. We interviewed QRR and Procare office staff, the Medicare beneficiaries, and social workers. And we conducted surveillance of the suspects.
In October 2011, our evidence led to indictments against Dr. Berry and Marcus and Beth Jenkins. The case was brought as part of the Medicare Fraud Strike Force, operating in nine cities across the country and comprised of interagency teams of analysts, investigators, and prosecutors who target fraud.
And what of the Medicare beneficiaries living in the Jenkinses adult foster care homes? They are being moved to other facilities, where they will get the care and medical treatment they are entitled to.
Health Care Fraud

Death by 5,931 Paper Cuts*

Custer County, Idaho

Last Monday, Martin Luther King Day, those passionate enough to make the journey to Boise in below freezing weather heard pros and cons of the proposed Idaho Insurance Exchange.  The event, facilitated by the Gem State Tea Party, treated each and all to a one of a kind concept; a face to face debate with those in the know from both sides of the issue.  What an incredibly unique concept in this era of media hype, parsed sound bite clips and gotcha reporting.  Could those at the Gem State Tea Party be in violation of the Misdirection Clause established by the main stream media?  Most likely the informative debate was a violation of the Disinformation Directive regulated by the NSA or the Fudge the Facts Mandate issued by the Office of Homeland Security for polite salient discussions of pertinent issues.  At least no one from the Governor’s office or those that represent Idaho in Congress was there to hear the truth from the mouths of the willfully informed.  I in fact may be in violation of paragraph 3, subsection j, of the Federal Right to Filtered Information and Language Sanitation Act of 2013 by reporting this uncensored version of the goings on.  At great personal risk and possible sanction from the Union of Socialist Copy & Media Redactors I continue.

The stage was set, three men on the left in favor of the Governor’s proposal for a State Health Insurance Exchange.  All members of said Governor’s task force to review health care options mandated by our recently coronated Medical Officer in Chief.  On the right, three men, little known but for their incredible talent for seeing their way through life as practitioners of the controversial conscripts of free enterprise and self determination upheld by a limited government who’s sole purpose is to secure their blessings of life, liberty and happiness (what a miserable idea, work for what you keep incumbent upon personal responsibility).

The debate centered on the mandate promulgated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act better known as ObamaCare which mandates States make their own health care insurance exchanges or to rely on the federal program.  With reliance on the brilliance of endoscopic vision, the left side of the panel was dumbfounded when the right side insisted on looking outside the bum and consider a third, less dogmatic option, free enterprise.  Oh golly wobbles; the whole damn problem of kissing everybody’s boo boo just got messier.  After all, it was conceded long ago that we have a socialized health care system.  Now with our country broke and with the rich refusing to pay more taxes, those guys on the right want to go back to a system where people paid for the service they received with their own money!  How ludicrous and mean spirited.  All America need do is print more money, yeah!  Don’t worry about the astronomical management fees and layers of bureaucratic department meddling that a new federal or state insurance exchange would create, the IRS has long been able to give people options they can’t refuse to take.

All joking aside, the debate refocused the argument from either a fed or state health insurance exchange to one of greater scope.  Can we solve the problems of a growing and more expensive health care system with more of the same?  Should not the fact that the failure of our current socialized health care system be prima facie evidence that further tinkering under the hood only leads to further financial despair? We can not remedy the problems we’ve created with the same kind of thinking that got us into this health care insolvency mess in the first place.  Ultimately, a failed system will endanger the very souls we are all trying to save.  The systematic failure of our current welfare state means lives are at stake and when push comes to shove people will shed the ties that bind and realize that greater good only comes from virtuous societies where people are free to choose.

In Liberty,

Darr Moon
Custer County Tea Party

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Hunt for Roger “The Terrible” Touhy and His Gang

A Byte Out of History

The careful plans were laid. In the early morning hours of December 29, 1942—70 years ago this month—FBI agents surrounded an apartment building on Kenmore Avenue in Chicago filled with a dangerous band of escaped convicts. With searchlights illuminating the building and nearby neighbors evacuated, an agent with a loudspeaker called for the men to surrender. Even Director J. Edgar Hoover was on hand.
At the time, America was at war—fighting in theaters in Europe and the Far East during World War II. The FBI was supporting the effort in many ways, protecting the homeland from espionage and sabotage and supplying valuable intelligence to its partners and to national leaders. One of its other wartime responsibilities was enforcing a newly enhanced Selective Service Act, which subjected all men of certain ages to either enter or register for military service. As it turns out, this law was the legal hook enabling the FBI to hunt down these criminals.
The prison break had taken place nearly three months earlier, on October 9. A group that included Roger “The Terrible” Touhy, Basil “The Owl” Banghart, Edward Darlak, and several other violent criminals escaped from the Stateville Penitentiary at Joliet, Illinois. They had guns smuggled in, cased the prison from all angles, and executed a well-planned break out.
Stealing a guard’s car, they sped away. Hours later, they abandoned the car openly in the middle of a small suburb east of Chicago. It was their signal to the FBI that they didn’t want to take the car across state lines and trigger Bureau jurisdiction. But they didn’t realize that they would soon run afoul of the Selective Service Act. On October 16, one week after the no longer imprisoned criminals failed to register for the draft, the FBI entered the case.
The FBI had numerous leads to begin its search for Touhy and his gang. The Bureau knew Touhy well, arresting him nine years earlier on suspicion of being involved in the kidnapping of the president of a Minnesota brewing company. While in custody, Illinois courts convicted Touhy of abducting a rival criminal named John “Jake the Barber” Factor. Touhy was sent to prison in 1934.

Life on the run was not easy, and the gang began to have problems. Two members disobeyed the gang’s rules and were nearly beaten to death. The gang moved often and was careful to cover its tracks. The Bureau figured that Touhy and his cohorts would use IDs stolen through pickpockets and muggings and worked with local police to collate these crimes and look for those assuming victims’ identities.
It worked, leading to the capture of the first fugitive. More success followed. On December 16, agents observed a known acquaintance of one gang member participating in a suspicious meeting with an unknown contact. Agents tracked the unknown man, which led them to two more gang members (who died in a gunfight with Bureau agents) and ultimately to Touhy, Banghart, and Darlak. Following the early morning arrest, the gang was quickly returned to prison. They were home for the holidays—well, back in the big house anyway.


Evanston, IL

`Alcohol is closely linked with virtually every negative aspect of society; suicide, violent crime, birth defects, industrial accidents, domestic and sexual abuse, homelessness, death, and disease. It is the #1 drug problem for people from all walks of life. It is #1 among whites, African Americans, and Hispanics, and it's #1 among poor people and rich people, men and women, and young and old people alike."
Alcohol use is very common in our society. In fact, alcohol is currently used by more Americans than any drug other than caffeine. Drinking alcohol has immediate effects that can increase the risk of many harmful health conditions.
According to a 2009 government survey, more than half of the adult U.S. population drank alcohol in the past 30 days. Approximately 5% of the total population drank heavily, while 15% of the population binge drank. 1
The U.S, Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) estimates that from 2001–2005, there were approximately 85,000 deaths annually attributable to alcohol use, approxi-mately five times the number of deaths from all illicit drugs combined! In fact, alcohol use is the 3rd leading lifestyle-related cause of death for people in the United States each year. 2Alcohol is the top drug of abuse among today's teens.  Underage drinkers account for 25 percent of all the alcohol consumed in this country.  Thirty-one percent of high school students report binge drinking at least once a month. The gender gap in alcohol consumption has disappeared as male and female ninth graders are just as likely to drink (40 percent) and binge drink (22 percent). 3
The cost of excessive alcohol consumption in the United States reached $223.5 billion in 2006 or about $1.90 per drink. 4
Researchers found that the cost of drinking was quite far-reaching, reflecting the effect this danger-ous behavior has on many aspects of the drinker’s life and on the lives of those around them. The CDC estimated that drinking cost $746 for every man, woman, and child in the United States in 2006. 5

Almost three-quarters of these costs were due to binge drinking.
Binge drinking is defined as consuming four or more alcoholic beverages per occa-sion for women or five or more drinks per occasion for men, and is the most common form of heavy alcohol consumption in the United States.
The costs largely resulted from losses in workplace productivity (72% of the total cost), health care expenses for problems caused by heavy drinking (11% of the total), law en-forcement and other criminal justice expenses related to heavy alcohol consumption (9% of total), and motor vehicle crash costs from impaired driving (6% of the total). 6
``Alcohol affects immune, endocrine, and reproductive functions.  Various cancers associated with drinking include cancers of the lip, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, tongue, lung, pancreas, and liver. Other diseases include chronic gastritis, hepatitis, hypertension, and coronary heart disease . . . More of our current college students will die of cirrhosis of the liver than will get doctorates in Business Management, and Communications combined." 
                                             Dr. Antonio Novello
                                             Former U.S. Surgeon General

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) are the leading cause of birth defects with accompanying mental retardation.  FASD diagnosis is based on a cluster of specific characteristics: growth deficiency, facial abnormalities and central nervous system effects.
FASD prevalence in the general population is estimated to be between 0.5 and 2 per 1,000 live births and the frequency of FASD and Alcohol-Related Birth Defects (ARBD) combined is approximately one percent of all births. 7

FASD defects are entirely preventable when pregnant women don't drink.
There is no known amount of alcohol that is safe to drink, nor any safe time to drink, nor any safe kind of alcohol to drink while pregnant. 8

Each FASD affected individual will require lifetime care costing approximately $2 million. 9
Several decades ago the “French Paradox" attributed a low rate of heart disease to daily wine consumption. Recent research suggests that lowering of heart disease risk results from ingredients other than alcohol. The World Health Organization advises that alcohol should not be recommended for heart health. 10



Ah, it’s that time of year again. Here are my Top 10 suggestions for the new Legislature:
1. Cut taxes. I’d like to see the personal property tax go away. But many other cuts and changes to the state’s burdensome and unwieldy tax code would also be welcome. Get to it.
2. Keep spending down. Last legislative session saw a nearly 7 percent increase in general fund spending. That’s unsustainable and must stop.
3. Fix Medicaid. Don’t expand it. Medicaid is broken and consuming more and more of taxpayer resources every year. Florida has implemented some excellent reforms that help improve patient care and reduce costs. Idaho should look at those success stories and replicate them.
4. Incentivize charitable delivery options to help Idaho’s neediest. Idahoans are very giving. Let’s put that giving power to work to help people in our community and reduce reliance on government.
5. Continue education reforms. There’s no reason our children should have to wait longer for a full spectrum of education options that improve and expand their access to academic excellence.
6. Stop Obamacare. There’s not a lot about Justice John Roberts’ Obamacare decision that I like. But this quote from Roberts I love: “The states are separate and independent sovereigns. Sometimes they have to act like it.” Act like it. Be the backstop against bad federal policy. Join the two dozen other states that have rejected health insurance exchanges and other Obamacare implementation tactics.
7. Improve health care and lower health care costs by opening Idaho’s marketplace to insurance carriers from outside our state boarders. Allow companies to employ doctors, if they choose to do so. Consider other free market health care reforms, such as the health savings option being proposed by Idaho’s Dr. Loel Fenwick.
8. Restore private property rights. Throughout the state, property owners are struggling with harsh local ordinances that prevent or inhibit residential and commercial development. It’s time for the Legislature to reset the regulatory clock and put private property on a pedestal where it belongs.
9. Reject new occupational licensing schemes. I understand that at least two proposals to license occupations are in the works for the coming session. These licensure requirements do nothing but make it harder for lower- and middle-income people to improve their economic outlook, while protecting incumbent businesses and licensees. For consumers, it drives up costs. Just say no.
10. Repeal stuff. Idaho is full of government-centric laws that make great sense—if you live in Libya. Laws that ban Black Friday sales. Laws that make government a retailer (such as with liquor). Laws that tell businesses how to sell frozen yogurt. Laws that restrict a person’s ability to protect his home and property. It’s time to put all of these policies under a microscope, because when you look at them up close and personal, it’s rather ugly, not good for our state or for freedom.
I believe most Idahoans hope to see a Legislature that embraces free markets, limited government, lower taxes and fewer regulations. The true measure of the weeks ahead will not be how many laws are passed but how much freer or how much less free we are once the session concludes.

Wanted by the FBI

Failure to Appear


Subject ImageSubject Image
Photograph taken in 2008Photograph taken in 1997


Ewa Maria Malczewska, Ela Malczewska


Date(s) of Birth Used:

October 7, 1977

Place of Birth:

Warsaw, Poland




105 pounds




Bank teller











Scars and Marks:

None known


Malczewski has full lips and crooked front teeth. She speaks fluent Polish. Malczewski's last known address in the United States was in Arlington, Texas.


On September 19, 1997, Eva Maria Malczewski was arrested on a complaint based on allegations that she had embezzled a large sum of money from a bank in Arlington, Texas, where she had worked as a teller. The money was stolen between February 10 and June 6, 1997. Malczewski was indicted on sixteen counts of bank embezzlement on October 15, 1997.
While investigating this theft, it was learned that Malczewski had previously worked as a teller in another bank in Grand Prairie, Texas. Malczewski was suspected of stealing a large sum of money from that bank in February of 1997. On February 13, 1998, Malczewski was indicted on two counts of bank embezzlement regarding funds stolen from this bank.
On May 28, 1998, Malczewski was found guilty of bank embezzlement. She was scheduled to be sentenced on November 30, 1998, but failed to appear in court. A warrant was then issued in the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth, Texas, for her arrest.
If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.
Field Office: Dallas