Thursday, May 21, 2015

Buhl's Amsoil Dealer

City Of Buhl Has Discussion About Signage


APRIL 27, 2015

203 Broadway Ave N

Kyle Hauser Council President

Pam McClain Council Member

Michael Higbee Council Member

Sue Gabardi Council Member

Bill Nungester City Attorney

Elizabeth Barker Clerk/Treasurer

Karen Drown Asst. Clerk/Treasurer

WORKING SESSION called to order at 6:00 PM.

Elizabeth Barker confirmed a Quorum.

 Minutes of April 13, 2015: Kyle Hauser moved to approve the minutes; Pam McClain

 Bi-Monthly Claims for Payment: Pam McClain moved to approve the monthly claims for

seconded the motion. There was no discussion; the motion passed.

payment; Kyle Hauser seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion

 Clerk/Treasurer Report: Pam McClain moved to approve the clerk/treasurer report;

Michael Higbee seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion passed.

Consideration of Resolution to Destroy Documents: Pam moved to adopt Resolution No.

378 for the destruction of semi-permanent records. Kyle seconded the motion. There was

a brief discussion of the items on the list which have no historical value. There was no

further discussion and the motion passed.

Proposed Budget Schedule: Elizabeth explained the schedule changes from last year and

noted that the Monday, May 25th meeting had previously been cancelled.  She stated that

to keep with the aggressive budget schedule, she had proposed a meeting on Tuesday,

May 26th. Elizabeth did point out that Monday, May 11th the department heads will

present their major needs for the future, but Mark Korsen will not be able to attend due to

a BLM training for his department that same night. There was discussion on whether

council would like the major needs requests again this year and consensus was that they

are an important piece of the budget process. There was also discussion about several

meetings that individual council members would not be able to attend due to conflicts;

but a quorum would still be present for each meeting. It was agreed the budget schedule

Review of Compliance with General Fund Reserve Policy & Utility Fund Working

Capital Policy: Elizabeth reminded council that both policies were written last year and

that the policies stated that they would be reviewed each year at budget time. Elizabeth

noted that the general fund reserve is above the 17% as was set in the policy but

Elizabeth didn’t see any reason to reduce the amount currently in the fund. It was

discussed that the 17% was the basement and the lowest it should go. She also updated

council on the Seneca tax valuation appeal matter; there have been discussions between

Seneca and Twin Falls County and the one piece that is still being worked out is a 35%

annual obsolescence factor on the new freezer portion. A trial date was rescheduled for

May 13th in case a compromise could not be made; but everyone was hopeful it could be

worked out without a trial.

The utility fund working capital policy was also reviewed and Elizabeth explained how

the three month balance was figured from using the entire year’s income divided by 12

then multiplied by 3. As she explained, the year has a cycle and the summer months are

higher than the winter so she used the entire year’s figures. She added that the fund

balance was close to what was targeted from the last year. The Bond Savings Transfer

reserve fund is building but some of those funds are committed to current projects.

Discussion of Donated Artwork: Barbara Martin from Coos Bay, Oregon had sent a

packet of color photographs of artwork her husband had done. Gan Martin was born in

and raised in Buhl. His grandfather was Mayor of Buhl in 1937. At this time his wife had

offered to donate some of Gan’s artwork to the city. The proposed artwork was presented

to Council and four were chosen; “The Elephant,” “Cabin in the Woods,” “Small Red

Tree,” and “Cattle Grazing.”

COUNCIL CONCERNS – Michael questioned the events of the fire meeting the previous

Monday night. There was a discussion concerning signage that had gone up on the Buhl

Rural Fire Protection property. There was further discussion about signage that will be

installed on the fire station and that will be paid for out of the Fire Donation Fund. There was

also discussion concerning the ventilation system in the bays. Tom stated he had talked to

Andrew Stevens and also Mark Korsen about the current system that was never finished and

wondered about the cost of having Quigley’s come in and finish it. It was stated the current

system is not fully used and if money is going to be put into system then it needs to be used.

Kyle brought up a concern about the laptops that council had been provided. He asked if

tablets would be better utilized. Consensus was they would not be used. It was discussed that

the laptops would be better used by other departments than sitting in someone’s office or

MEETING ADJOURNED – Kyle Hauser moved that the meeting be adjourned, Pam

McClain seconded the motion and all were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 6:41 PM.

Minutes prepared by Karen Drown, Assistant City Clerk-Treasurer

City of Buhl Sets Agenda

City of Buhl Council Meeting

May 26, 2015

7:00 p.m.

Meeting called by: Mayor and City Council

Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at 203 Broadway Ave N, Buhl, Idaho



OLD BUSINESS Minutes of May 11, 2015

Bi-Monthly Claims for Payment

Clerk/Treasurer Report

NEW BUSINESS Consideration of Bike Race route

Consideration of Magicats event in Eastman


Salary and Evaluation Discussion

Discussion of Excess Fire Funds &

Comparative District Information

Discussion of Firearms Ordinance

Karen Drown

Elizabeth Barker

Elizabeth Barker

Kevin Hanners

MaNawn Taylor

Elizabeth Barker

Carl Ericson, ICRMP

Council Members

Council Members



Elizabeth Barker, City Clerk

Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request for persons with disabilities

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Buhl Election Results

Buhl, Idaho

20 May 2015

          Vote for  1
           IN FAVOR.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .       342   40.19
           AGAINST .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .       509   59.81
                   Total .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .       851
              Over Votes .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .         2
             Under Votes .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .         0

Friday, May 15, 2015

Buhl Voter Guide

May 19th, 2015
8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Polling Stations: Christian Church
Moose Hall & Deep Creek Fire Hall
To vote you must bring a valid photo ID and a current utility bill
Never voted in Buhl? Simply register at the polls
Shall A New Taxing District Be Formed & Tax Citizens $194,545.00 every year?

A ‘Yes’ vote will harm those on fixed incomes including the elderly.

A ‘NO’ vote will not harm those on fixed incomes including the elderly.

Yes _____                                       NO_____

The Recreation District mail notice outlines the NEW TAX district, but has NO DEADLINE OR SUNSET. While it may sound like a good thing on the surface for neighboring communities, bigger is not necessarily better, and
the following needs to be considered:

1. Increase in Local Taxes recently passed--$2.5 MILLION SCHOOL LEVY.
2. The number of fixed and low income people living in Buhl.
3. Present additional increases in various State Taxes: vehicle registration and gas come to mind immediately ($200,000,000.00).
4. The City of Buhl has the burden of the large utility water bill and bond,  already causing many to struggle to live and or find a buyer for our homes.
5. No indication of what the money would be used for. This should be
addressed before a vote takes place.
  6.  Inflation of basic necessities like food and clothing.
  7.  First there are taxes and then there are yearly use fees.

I don't know about you but I am not looking forward to being someone else’ continuous deep pocket. Constantly having to come up with more money out of OUR pockets should be of concern to you, too. If this new hand gets placed in our pockets it will be very difficult to get rid of.


This hand bill is authorized by the


Article I , SECTION 9.  FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Every person may freely speak, write and
publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty.


Despite what anyone thinks, the economy has not improved enough to warrant this new spending.  One case in point: Buhl School District free and reduced lunch numbers have not changed significantly from last year.  Closures of businesses and higher unemployment continues while new business starts are at a numerical standstill.  
Second point is that recreation is already happening and supported in the communities by churches, summer camps, youth groups, service clubs, and volunteers--all without more debt and suppressing taxation.  Community meeting areas are also graciously provided locally.
·                                               We want fewer government employees.
·                 We want to choose our own recreation/entertainment.
·                              We need to reduce taxes. 
·                             We oppose socialism.  

     A friend recently set forth these further reasons as follows.
1. Paying off the High School Bonds should be the priority, not a new TAX ENTITY.  The swimming pool in recent years underwent remodeling.
2. The district fully intends to LOSE MONEY! Low estimate is about $200,000 per year!
While NO EXACT PLAN has been presented for a new pool and rec facilities, they are asking us, the investors, aka “taxpayers”, to give them almost $200,000.00! No wise investor would willingly invest this way. Taxpayers have NO CHOICE if it passes; you pay yearly!
3. Failure to create the district has NOTHING to do with the Boys and Girls Club deciding whether or not to continue.  Citing the Boys and Girls Club is a ploy.
4. Creating the district may facilitate government going into competition with private businesses, particularly the local gyms and hot springs. Government should not compete with private businesses. The more spent in taxes leaves less to spend at local businesses.  EVEN BUSINESSES CANNOT AFFORD THIS RECREATION DISTRICT!
5. You will pay for the pool and other facilities TWICE!  You will pay taxes for its upkeep but IN ADDITION you will pay District membership fees. Paying taxes is not a pass!
6. This may be the first vote of two. The second vote may be for a bond, another tax, in November for raising money to build a pool and rec facilities. It requires a 2/3 majority. What if that fails? There is no mention of a contingency.

West End Reporter LLC #W 111660, Rick Martin, Editor

Please share this with your neighbors! Pass the word along!

Buhl's Avon Girl

Buhl Highway District

Buhl, Idaho

According to the Buhl Highway District , the staff has been busy filling potholes in the district.  Also the district reports an amount of $2,339,431.76 to be in the bank as of Feb 28th, 2015.