Friday, May 15, 2015

Buhl Voter Guide

May 19th, 2015
8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Polling Stations: Christian Church
Moose Hall & Deep Creek Fire Hall
To vote you must bring a valid photo ID and a current utility bill
Never voted in Buhl? Simply register at the polls
Shall A New Taxing District Be Formed & Tax Citizens $194,545.00 every year?

A ‘Yes’ vote will harm those on fixed incomes including the elderly.

A ‘NO’ vote will not harm those on fixed incomes including the elderly.

Yes _____                                       NO_____

The Recreation District mail notice outlines the NEW TAX district, but has NO DEADLINE OR SUNSET. While it may sound like a good thing on the surface for neighboring communities, bigger is not necessarily better, and
the following needs to be considered:

1. Increase in Local Taxes recently passed--$2.5 MILLION SCHOOL LEVY.
2. The number of fixed and low income people living in Buhl.
3. Present additional increases in various State Taxes: vehicle registration and gas come to mind immediately ($200,000,000.00).
4. The City of Buhl has the burden of the large utility water bill and bond,  already causing many to struggle to live and or find a buyer for our homes.
5. No indication of what the money would be used for. This should be
addressed before a vote takes place.
  6.  Inflation of basic necessities like food and clothing.
  7.  First there are taxes and then there are yearly use fees.

I don't know about you but I am not looking forward to being someone else’ continuous deep pocket. Constantly having to come up with more money out of OUR pockets should be of concern to you, too. If this new hand gets placed in our pockets it will be very difficult to get rid of.


This hand bill is authorized by the


Article I , SECTION 9.  FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Every person may freely speak, write and
publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty.


Despite what anyone thinks, the economy has not improved enough to warrant this new spending.  One case in point: Buhl School District free and reduced lunch numbers have not changed significantly from last year.  Closures of businesses and higher unemployment continues while new business starts are at a numerical standstill.  
Second point is that recreation is already happening and supported in the communities by churches, summer camps, youth groups, service clubs, and volunteers--all without more debt and suppressing taxation.  Community meeting areas are also graciously provided locally.
·                                               We want fewer government employees.
·                 We want to choose our own recreation/entertainment.
·                              We need to reduce taxes. 
·                             We oppose socialism.  

     A friend recently set forth these further reasons as follows.
1. Paying off the High School Bonds should be the priority, not a new TAX ENTITY.  The swimming pool in recent years underwent remodeling.
2. The district fully intends to LOSE MONEY! Low estimate is about $200,000 per year!
While NO EXACT PLAN has been presented for a new pool and rec facilities, they are asking us, the investors, aka “taxpayers”, to give them almost $200,000.00! No wise investor would willingly invest this way. Taxpayers have NO CHOICE if it passes; you pay yearly!
3. Failure to create the district has NOTHING to do with the Boys and Girls Club deciding whether or not to continue.  Citing the Boys and Girls Club is a ploy.
4. Creating the district may facilitate government going into competition with private businesses, particularly the local gyms and hot springs. Government should not compete with private businesses. The more spent in taxes leaves less to spend at local businesses.  EVEN BUSINESSES CANNOT AFFORD THIS RECREATION DISTRICT!
5. You will pay for the pool and other facilities TWICE!  You will pay taxes for its upkeep but IN ADDITION you will pay District membership fees. Paying taxes is not a pass!
6. This may be the first vote of two. The second vote may be for a bond, another tax, in November for raising money to build a pool and rec facilities. It requires a 2/3 majority. What if that fails? There is no mention of a contingency.

West End Reporter LLC #W 111660, Rick Martin, Editor

Please share this with your neighbors! Pass the word along!

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