Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Support Your Local Police Committee Formed

Buhl, Idaho

According to Rick Martin of Deep Creek, the Magic Valley chapters of the John Birch Society have formed a Support Your Local Police Committee.  Mr. Martin is the chairman of the Committee.  Mr. Martin reported the following to be members of the committee;

Herb Duel of Buhl, Vice Chairman
Liz Niccum of Twin Falls, Program Chairman
Joe Coffman of Twin Falls, Secretary-Treasure
Dr Arp of Filer, PhD, Publicity Chairman 
Scott Kaster of Clear Lakes, Membership Chairman

According to Mr. Martin this is the committee's statement of principles;

Twin Falls County Support Your Local Police Committee
Statement of Principles

We believe that the first and most solemn responsibility of all public officials is to
protect the lives and property of the citizens of this community. Our local police, who
have been entrusted with this fundamental obligation, have fulfilled their duties
admirably, justly earning a reputation as "the thin blue line" protecting the law-abiding
citizen from the lawbreaker.

We are extremely concerned about recent developments in this country which have
imposed new and dangerous burdens on our local police. Harassment and outright attacks
against the police, in many instances organized and controlled by subversives, criminals,
and illegal aliens, have increased alarmingly. Court decisions have placed unreasonable
restrictions on the forces of law and order, while freeing many criminals from prison and
imposing only the mildest of sentences on others. And far too many politicians have
bowed to the disruptive tactics and outright threats of organized pressure groups.

It is for these reasons that we have organized this Support Your Local Police
Committee. We urge all responsible citizens in this community to work with us to:

- Support our local police in the performance of their duties;

- Oppose all harassment or interference with law enforcement personnel as
they carry out their assigned tasks;

- Reject any "civilian review boards" or other outside "supervision" of our

- Prohibit the creation of any national police force, or any other centralized
authority, which would replace or control our local police;

- Oppose any and all efforts to subsidize, regionalize, or federalize our local
police, since any loss of their independence from outside controls will
inevitably lead to a loss of our protection and safety as well;

- Accept our responsibilities to our local police, to defend them against unjust
attacks, make them proud and secure in their vital profession, and to offer
them our support in word and deed wherever possible.

We pledge to inaugurate a community-wide program to support our local police and
keep them independent. We will work to create more understanding of the problems and
threats our police face. We will remind our fellow citizens that our police have earned
our help and need it now.

Mr. Martin is currently taking speaking requests for community groups such as local Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, Rotary Club, etc.

For more information please contact Mr. Martin at 409-7363 or at his email

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