Big Boy Pants
Congratulations Idaho Democrats you have successfully stymied another conservative Governor into retreat with only 20 of 105 legislative seats and nobody in the executive branch. Although I believe your politics are closer to Marx than Madison, I must commend you for never changing your spots. Your party has progressively moved America and Idaho away from small government and low taxes to a fully implemented nanny state. Your support of big government, higher taxes and cradle to grave social programs have succeeded in leaving your comrades on the other side of the aisle waving white hankies of surrender each time free markets and constitutionality are threatened. So how is it that you’ve been able to wrench the mantle of liberty from these so called conservative constitutional loving Republicans? Maybe it’s because, most Republicans are big government, higher taxes and cradle to grave social program supporters. Maybe, Republicans should drop the façade and own up to the fact that they too support all those free money; kick the can down the road policies that Democrats do. The only difference seems that Republicans bandy about the state speaking about free markets, smaller government and lower taxes while simultaneously supporting government subsidies, tax credits, various task forces that investigate and then legislate more government programs and tax policies that favor some and skewer others.
Although I am fundamentally opposed to Democratic/Socialistic policies and their dogma I am no longer willing to be duped by milk toast conservatives either who speak with forked tongue. It’s time to wear big boy pants now and what a great opportunity for many a Republican to prove they’ve got a spine by voting down state health care exchanges. Would that be too far afield of the Republican platform?
Republicans, don’t let Governor Otter’s abdication of responsibility condemn your future political careers. It isn’t as if you’d be sticking your neck out too far to quash the hand of those power hungry establishment types. President Obama’s compassionate need to opiate the masses with federally mandated state controlled healthcare has already been nullified by 28 states.
Republicans, if you wish to remain an independent political party stop acting like the ninny and coward branch of the Democratic Party. Figure out what you mean when you say you’re conservative and stand by your guns.
In Liberty,
Darr Moon
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