Sunday, June 16, 2013

Arp Report

Filer, Idaho

Dear Patriots: 
            The solution to our country’s many problems is to return to the original intent of the Founding Father’s God-inspired US Constitution.  The Constitution including The Bill of Rights limited government not the people.  After the Constitution was ratified a burst of freedom brought great prosperity to America in only a couple years that even surprised the Founders.  The world was asking, “What happened in America to bring about the prosperity?”

             The Constitution gives the federal government very limited power.  The EPA, Department of Education and many other unconstitutional bureaucratic agencies need to be abolished.  The president is issuing unconstitutional Executive Orders which are causing major losses of personal freedom and economic havoc.  The dollar has been devalued in 100 years to less than 3% of its 1913 value by the unconstitutional Federal Reserve System.

            In the Northwest Ordinance, the Founders wanted religion, morality and knowledge to be taught in schools.  The Supreme Court had ruled many times that America was a Christian Nation.  However, they ruled without precedent in 1962 and 1963 to remove prayer and Bible reading from public schools.  This was a major factor in the moral cesspool that exists today. 

            Founder, George Mason warned that if we became a wicked nation, then Providence would punish America with natural disasters.  Storm damage continues to rise as we mock God and His Commandments for Christian living.

            We are turning over our national sovereignty to the Communist controlled United Nations.  Agenda 21 (sustainable development) is designed to control all human activity on the planet.  The EPA is implementing regulations through endangered species, wetlands, etc. to limit our energy and private property rights.  The man-caused global warming hoax (see is being used reduce our standard of living to third-world status.

            Get informed by researching and and demand that our elected officials obey the Constitution.

A concerned citizen,

Adrian L. Arp, Ph.D.   

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