Monday, August 5, 2013

DDT needed to fight malaria & West Nile Virus

Filer, Idaho

The ban on the insecticide DDT in 1972 by EPA administrator William Ruckelshaus, who had come from the World Wildlife Fund, despite being ruled safe by EPA judge Edmund Sweeney,  has cost millions of lives due to malaria and other insect transmitted diseases like West Nile Virus.  The ban also is causing the death of millions of acres of pine and hardwood trees due to insects previously controlled by DDT.

            The Environmental Defense Fund and its allies had pushed to have DDT banned. The book, “Silent Spring” with half-truths and lies was used to place DDT under investigation. J. Gordon Edwards, Ph.D. entomologist, defended the safety of DDT  in his publication, “DDT, A Case Study in Scientific Fraud.”

            There are three major lies still being repeated about DDT.  These are: DDT did NOT kill birds or cause egg shell thinning.  The initial test was conducted without necessary Calcium to produce normal shells.  This was published in Science Journal.  A second test with Calcium showed no difference, but Science editor  Philip Abelson  refused to publish the truth.

            DDT is NOT toxic to humans and is NOT a human carcinogen.  It is far safer than many replacement insecticides.  DDT does NOT persist in the environment and does NOT accumulate and concentrate in the food chain. 

            A documentary, “Three Billion and Counting.” By Dr. Rutledge Taylor is named for the number of malaria victims world-wide throughout history and exposes four decades of genocide due to the DDT ban.  Original EPA hearing transcripts (9,312 Pages) reveal that DDT is safe and effective. Visit the website,   Dr. Art Robinson, biochemist and president of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine said, “The number of children slaughtered by the ban of DDT is greater than any other genocide in world history.” 
 The real goal of the ban of DDT was and still is population control not concern for the environment according to Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore and others.  India produces and uses DDT and has very little malaria and other insect related diseases. 

            Congress must pass a bill to bring back safe, effective and low cost DDT to not only fight malaria, but also West Nile Virus and tree killing insects to save our forests and reduce destructive fires.  Please contact your Senators and Congressman and request that hearings be established to reveal the original EPA okay on DDT and get a bill passed to approve it once again. 

A concerned citizen,

Adrian L. Arp, Ph.D.

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