Thursday, May 21, 2015

Buhl's Amsoil Dealer

City Of Buhl Has Discussion About Signage


APRIL 27, 2015

203 Broadway Ave N

Kyle Hauser Council President

Pam McClain Council Member

Michael Higbee Council Member

Sue Gabardi Council Member

Bill Nungester City Attorney

Elizabeth Barker Clerk/Treasurer

Karen Drown Asst. Clerk/Treasurer

WORKING SESSION called to order at 6:00 PM.

Elizabeth Barker confirmed a Quorum.

 Minutes of April 13, 2015: Kyle Hauser moved to approve the minutes; Pam McClain

 Bi-Monthly Claims for Payment: Pam McClain moved to approve the monthly claims for

seconded the motion. There was no discussion; the motion passed.

payment; Kyle Hauser seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion

 Clerk/Treasurer Report: Pam McClain moved to approve the clerk/treasurer report;

Michael Higbee seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion passed.

Consideration of Resolution to Destroy Documents: Pam moved to adopt Resolution No.

378 for the destruction of semi-permanent records. Kyle seconded the motion. There was

a brief discussion of the items on the list which have no historical value. There was no

further discussion and the motion passed.

Proposed Budget Schedule: Elizabeth explained the schedule changes from last year and

noted that the Monday, May 25th meeting had previously been cancelled.  She stated that

to keep with the aggressive budget schedule, she had proposed a meeting on Tuesday,

May 26th. Elizabeth did point out that Monday, May 11th the department heads will

present their major needs for the future, but Mark Korsen will not be able to attend due to

a BLM training for his department that same night. There was discussion on whether

council would like the major needs requests again this year and consensus was that they

are an important piece of the budget process. There was also discussion about several

meetings that individual council members would not be able to attend due to conflicts;

but a quorum would still be present for each meeting. It was agreed the budget schedule

Review of Compliance with General Fund Reserve Policy & Utility Fund Working

Capital Policy: Elizabeth reminded council that both policies were written last year and

that the policies stated that they would be reviewed each year at budget time. Elizabeth

noted that the general fund reserve is above the 17% as was set in the policy but

Elizabeth didn’t see any reason to reduce the amount currently in the fund. It was

discussed that the 17% was the basement and the lowest it should go. She also updated

council on the Seneca tax valuation appeal matter; there have been discussions between

Seneca and Twin Falls County and the one piece that is still being worked out is a 35%

annual obsolescence factor on the new freezer portion. A trial date was rescheduled for

May 13th in case a compromise could not be made; but everyone was hopeful it could be

worked out without a trial.

The utility fund working capital policy was also reviewed and Elizabeth explained how

the three month balance was figured from using the entire year’s income divided by 12

then multiplied by 3. As she explained, the year has a cycle and the summer months are

higher than the winter so she used the entire year’s figures. She added that the fund

balance was close to what was targeted from the last year. The Bond Savings Transfer

reserve fund is building but some of those funds are committed to current projects.

Discussion of Donated Artwork: Barbara Martin from Coos Bay, Oregon had sent a

packet of color photographs of artwork her husband had done. Gan Martin was born in

and raised in Buhl. His grandfather was Mayor of Buhl in 1937. At this time his wife had

offered to donate some of Gan’s artwork to the city. The proposed artwork was presented

to Council and four were chosen; “The Elephant,” “Cabin in the Woods,” “Small Red

Tree,” and “Cattle Grazing.”

COUNCIL CONCERNS – Michael questioned the events of the fire meeting the previous

Monday night. There was a discussion concerning signage that had gone up on the Buhl

Rural Fire Protection property. There was further discussion about signage that will be

installed on the fire station and that will be paid for out of the Fire Donation Fund. There was

also discussion concerning the ventilation system in the bays. Tom stated he had talked to

Andrew Stevens and also Mark Korsen about the current system that was never finished and

wondered about the cost of having Quigley’s come in and finish it. It was stated the current

system is not fully used and if money is going to be put into system then it needs to be used.

Kyle brought up a concern about the laptops that council had been provided. He asked if

tablets would be better utilized. Consensus was they would not be used. It was discussed that

the laptops would be better used by other departments than sitting in someone’s office or

MEETING ADJOURNED – Kyle Hauser moved that the meeting be adjourned, Pam

McClain seconded the motion and all were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 6:41 PM.

Minutes prepared by Karen Drown, Assistant City Clerk-Treasurer

City of Buhl Sets Agenda

City of Buhl Council Meeting

May 26, 2015

7:00 p.m.

Meeting called by: Mayor and City Council

Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at 203 Broadway Ave N, Buhl, Idaho



OLD BUSINESS Minutes of May 11, 2015

Bi-Monthly Claims for Payment

Clerk/Treasurer Report

NEW BUSINESS Consideration of Bike Race route

Consideration of Magicats event in Eastman


Salary and Evaluation Discussion

Discussion of Excess Fire Funds &

Comparative District Information

Discussion of Firearms Ordinance

Karen Drown

Elizabeth Barker

Elizabeth Barker

Kevin Hanners

MaNawn Taylor

Elizabeth Barker

Carl Ericson, ICRMP

Council Members

Council Members



Elizabeth Barker, City Clerk

Reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request for persons with disabilities

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Buhl Election Results

Buhl, Idaho

20 May 2015

          Vote for  1
           IN FAVOR.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .       342   40.19
           AGAINST .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .       509   59.81
                   Total .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .       851
              Over Votes .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .         2
             Under Votes .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .         0

Friday, May 15, 2015

Buhl Voter Guide

May 19th, 2015
8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Polling Stations: Christian Church
Moose Hall & Deep Creek Fire Hall
To vote you must bring a valid photo ID and a current utility bill
Never voted in Buhl? Simply register at the polls
Shall A New Taxing District Be Formed & Tax Citizens $194,545.00 every year?

A ‘Yes’ vote will harm those on fixed incomes including the elderly.

A ‘NO’ vote will not harm those on fixed incomes including the elderly.

Yes _____                                       NO_____

The Recreation District mail notice outlines the NEW TAX district, but has NO DEADLINE OR SUNSET. While it may sound like a good thing on the surface for neighboring communities, bigger is not necessarily better, and
the following needs to be considered:

1. Increase in Local Taxes recently passed--$2.5 MILLION SCHOOL LEVY.
2. The number of fixed and low income people living in Buhl.
3. Present additional increases in various State Taxes: vehicle registration and gas come to mind immediately ($200,000,000.00).
4. The City of Buhl has the burden of the large utility water bill and bond,  already causing many to struggle to live and or find a buyer for our homes.
5. No indication of what the money would be used for. This should be
addressed before a vote takes place.
  6.  Inflation of basic necessities like food and clothing.
  7.  First there are taxes and then there are yearly use fees.

I don't know about you but I am not looking forward to being someone else’ continuous deep pocket. Constantly having to come up with more money out of OUR pockets should be of concern to you, too. If this new hand gets placed in our pockets it will be very difficult to get rid of.


This hand bill is authorized by the


Article I , SECTION 9.  FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Every person may freely speak, write and
publish on all subjects, being responsible for the abuse of that liberty.


Despite what anyone thinks, the economy has not improved enough to warrant this new spending.  One case in point: Buhl School District free and reduced lunch numbers have not changed significantly from last year.  Closures of businesses and higher unemployment continues while new business starts are at a numerical standstill.  
Second point is that recreation is already happening and supported in the communities by churches, summer camps, youth groups, service clubs, and volunteers--all without more debt and suppressing taxation.  Community meeting areas are also graciously provided locally.
·                                               We want fewer government employees.
·                 We want to choose our own recreation/entertainment.
·                              We need to reduce taxes. 
·                             We oppose socialism.  

     A friend recently set forth these further reasons as follows.
1. Paying off the High School Bonds should be the priority, not a new TAX ENTITY.  The swimming pool in recent years underwent remodeling.
2. The district fully intends to LOSE MONEY! Low estimate is about $200,000 per year!
While NO EXACT PLAN has been presented for a new pool and rec facilities, they are asking us, the investors, aka “taxpayers”, to give them almost $200,000.00! No wise investor would willingly invest this way. Taxpayers have NO CHOICE if it passes; you pay yearly!
3. Failure to create the district has NOTHING to do with the Boys and Girls Club deciding whether or not to continue.  Citing the Boys and Girls Club is a ploy.
4. Creating the district may facilitate government going into competition with private businesses, particularly the local gyms and hot springs. Government should not compete with private businesses. The more spent in taxes leaves less to spend at local businesses.  EVEN BUSINESSES CANNOT AFFORD THIS RECREATION DISTRICT!
5. You will pay for the pool and other facilities TWICE!  You will pay taxes for its upkeep but IN ADDITION you will pay District membership fees. Paying taxes is not a pass!
6. This may be the first vote of two. The second vote may be for a bond, another tax, in November for raising money to build a pool and rec facilities. It requires a 2/3 majority. What if that fails? There is no mention of a contingency.

West End Reporter LLC #W 111660, Rick Martin, Editor

Please share this with your neighbors! Pass the word along!

Buhl's Avon Girl

Buhl Highway District

Buhl, Idaho

According to the Buhl Highway District , the staff has been busy filling potholes in the district.  Also the district reports an amount of $2,339,431.76 to be in the bank as of Feb 28th, 2015.

The case of a pastor who embezzled nearly $1 million from his community center.

Financial Fraud
Oklahoma Pastor Embezzled Nearly $1 Million from Community Center
The long-time pastor of the Greater Cornerstone Baptist Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma was recently sentenced to 37 months in prison for embezzling close to $1 million from a community center he helped establish to aid the church’s struggling neighborhood.
Willard Leonard Jones essentially had an “open checkbook” for the church and community center accounts, said Special Agent Kevin Legleiter, who investigated the case with Forensic Accountant Janetta Maxwell from the FBI’s Oklahoma City Division. The two have partnered on financial fraud investigations for 20 years, and after following the paper trail in this case, there was no doubt of the reverend’s criminal activity.
Forensic Accountants Follow the Money

In complex financial fraud investigations, FBI agents have an invaluable resource—the Bureau’s core of forensic accountants. These highly trained professionals are located in all 56 field offices and are experts at following the money.
The relationship between agents and forensic accountants “is a vital partnership,” said Special Agent Kevin Legleiter, who relied on Forensic Accountant Janetta Maxwell in the Willard Leonard Jones investigation and has partnered with her for two decades in other financial fraud investigations.
The Bureau’s forensic accounting program was established in 2009 to advance the FBI’s financial investigative capabilities. There are more than 500 forensic accountants in the program, and nearly half are certified public accountants. Many have additional training such as being certified fraud examiners.
Besides the ability to analyze complex financial records and documents, forensic accountants can testify to their findings in court and assist investigators in many other ways. “As a forensic accountant, I have the ability to issue subpoenas and conduct interviews,” Maxwell said.
“People trusted him and assumed he was doing the right thing,” Legleiter said. Instead, Jones used approximately $933,000 of community center money for his personal benefit—to pay his mortgage, buy luxury items like a Rolex watch, and to live a lavish lifestyle that included gambling and expensive hotel accommodations.
In 2004, Jones had the idea to build a community center not far from his church in a disadvantaged West Tulsa neighborhood called South Haven. The center would bring health care, a food and clothing bank, and other resources to the community. As the executive director of the Greater Cornerstone Community Development Project, Jones solicited donations from foundations, corporations, churches, and individuals—and raised about $7 million.
“It was his vision,” Maxwell said. “He started the project and raised funds for it.” But as the money came in, Jones began transferring funds from community center bank accounts to church bank accounts—and then transferred funds into his personal accounts.
After the center was completed in 2012, Jones went to the board of directors and said he needed more money. Surprised by the lack of funds, the board sought an audit and learned about center funds being transferred into church accounts. Jones said he did that to get a tax exempt status for some of the contractors. When the board asked to audit the church accounts, Jones refused, and the board filed a police report.
The FBI was asked to assist in the investigation. Legleiter and Maxwell began a painstaking look at the financial transactions involved over a six-year period. In one account alone, Maxwell said, there were 10,000 entries that needed to be analyzed.
In 2013, Jones was charged federally with three counts of wire fraud and one count of filing a false tax return. Federal charges were brought because in the process of transferring funds from the center to the church and then to his own accounts, the funds were routed electronically through another state.
“When there is an interstate wire transfer that involves fraud,” Legleiter explained, “the FBI has jurisdiction over that. We also partnered with the IRS because if, in fact, Jones received money that he didn’t claim on his taxes, that would be a tax violation.”
Ultimately, Jones admitted that from 2007 to 2013, he misappropriated the funds and also failed to report nearly $400,000 to the IRS. He was sentenced to prison in January.
Legleiter and Maxwell said a lack of internal controls on the part of the church and the community center enabled the embezzlement to go on for so long. Today, the community center—a beautiful facility that sits in the shadow of the Greater Cornerstone Baptist Church—is largely empty because there are no funds to operate it.

Twin Falls County Most Wanted

Most Wanted

Click on the name to view the details about the suspect.









City Of Buhl Passed Resolutions To Increase Beer & Wine License Fees


April 13, 2015

203 Broadway Ave N

Tom McCauley Mayor

Kyle Hauser Council President

Pam McClain Council Member

Michael Higbee Council Member

Sue Gabardi Council Member

Karen Drown Asst. Clerk/Treasurer

Regie Finney Public Works Director

Nathan Fawcett Asst. Fire Chief

PUBLIC HEARING opened at 7:00 PM.


Elizabeth Barker confirmed a quorum.

Mayor McCauley asked Karen Drown to explain as the applicant the reason for the public

hearing. She explained that council had reviewed the beer and wine license fee rates and had

proposed resolutions to raise the beer fee for consumption on premises from $75.00 to $100.00

and consumption off premises from $18.75 to $25.00 and to raise the wine fee for consumption

on and off premises from $48.00 each to $100.00 each.

Mayor McCauley asked if there was testimony in support. There was none. He then asked if

there was testimony against. Mimi Ford, Buhl, Idaho, gave testimony against. Also Rick

Cantrell, Buhl, Idaho, gave testimony against the rate increase.

Mayor McCauley gave Karen time to rebut and answer questions that had been asked in the

There was no neutral testimony.

Mayor McCauley closed the public hearing.

REGULAR SESSION called to order at 7:22 PM.


Elizabeth Barker confirmed a quorum.

Pam McClain moved to amend the agenda and add the ICDBG bid approval item. Kyle seconded

the motion. She stated that it was an oversight that it wasn’t on the agenda and needed to be

approved to start the project. There was a roll call vote which was unanimous. Mayor McCauley

stated that item would be added to the end of New Business.

 Minutes of March 23, 2015: Kyle Hauser moved to approve the minutes; Pam McClain

seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion passed.

 Monthly Claims for Payment: Pam McClain moved to approve the monthly claims for

payment; Michael Higbee seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion

 Monthly Reports: Pam McClain moved to approve the monthly department head reports;

Kyle Hauser seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion passed.

 Clerk/Treasurer Report: Kyle Hauser moved to approve the clerk/treasurer report; Sue

Gabardi seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion passed.

 Monthly Report: Scott informed council that Regie and his crew is beginning the project

for 11th Ave S. and Burke Street. They will be adding curb and gutter, water and sewer

lines and when complete the two streets will be paved.

Scott also informed council that work had begun on setting up the GIS system. He stated

city employees had meet with Elecdata out of Jerome and are compiling the information

that each department would like to have in the system. He explained the ESRI software is

the leading experts; which is the software that will be used. He also explained that Randy

has already got information from Twin Falls County that will be used. He stated Randy

has done a great job to get it where it is already. He stated that there is a small budget to

start and that will get the software to start entering data. The hardware is able to be used

by current staff instead of experts with expensive equipment.

Appointment of Buhl Housing Authority Board Member: Kyle moved to approve Bonnie

Haviland to the Buhl Housing Authority Board. Michael seconded the motion. There was no

discussion and the motion passed.

Library Survey: Cynthia handed out the completed survey and explained that this is a yearly

process. She detailed the information that was included in the survey which is everything from

patron information to employee information. Michael commented that it was interesting that 1/5

of the visitors were on computers. Kyle questioned if there was enough terminals for the need.

Cynthia stated that since smartphones and tablets are more readily used the demand is not as

great. But the library is the only option for those who cannot afford a computer.

Approve Urban Renewal Agency Annual Report: Michael moved to accept the Urban Renewal

Annual Report. Kyle seconded the motion. Michael asked if there was anything that council

needed to look at particularly. Pam explained the report is required by state code to state what the

agency has done the previous year. Tom commented that it was for informational purposes only.

There was no further discussion and the motion passed.

Consideration of Beer & Wine License for Juanita’s Tacos & More: Kyle moved to approve

Juanita’s Tacos & More beer and wine license. Pam seconded the motion. There was no

discussion and the motion passed.

Consideration of Resolutions to increase Beer & Wine license fees: Kyle Hauser recused himself

from the discussion. Pam moved to approve Resolution No. 376 to increase beer for consumption

on premises from $75.00 to $100.00 and increase beer for consumption off premises from $18.75

to $25.00. Michael seconded the motion. There was discussion with the licenses holders in the

audience about the rate increase and the questions that had come up in the public hearing.

Michael explained it was a council decision to look at a rate increase. Mayor McCauley added

comments that the administration had been requested by council to gather data concerning other

cities rates to compare to the current Buhl rates. There was discussion about where the increase

in fees would be used and the difference that would be generated. Michael commented that there

have been issues that have occurred around license holders businesses that have come up in the

past so some of the fees go to offset the monitoring of those issues. There was no further

discussion and the motion to adopt Resolution No. 376 passed.

Pam moved to approve Resolution No. 377 to increase wine for consumption on premises from

$48.00 to $100.00 and increase wine for consumption off premises from $48.00 to $100.00. Sue

seconded the motion. There was discussion about the large amount of the fee increase and the

affect that would have on the small businesses in town. There was further discussion about other

options. Sue commented that there is no history on when these rates were raised last and don’t

know when they will be discussed again. The motion failed. Michael moved to adopt Resolution

No. 377 and increase both on and off premises to $60.00 each. Pam seconded the motion. There

was no discussion and the motion passed.

City Property List: Karen explained the images that were sent of the parcels of city owned

property was pulled from the GIS system that Scott had discussed earlier. Michael asked if any

“gems” had been found. The one area that Karen questioned was the parcel that contained the old

Gun Club. Bill and Regie commented that there was a lease between the city and the snooker

players. Pam expressed appreciation for the listing.

Discussion of Cell Tower Lease: Karen explained the proposed lease that was included in the

council packets was 3 years in the making. She explained the current lease is for the land under

the cell tower and the control room. It is currently for $1.00 per year. In August of 2013 she sent

AT&T an invoice for 9 years of power which should have been paid based on the current lease.

As of last week a check in the amount of $20,920.48 was received to pay for the power usage.

Since August 2013 Karen has been billing them monthly for the power usage which is paid

within the month. Karen explained the proposed lease was for $1500.00 per month with a 3%

increase each year. The amount for the lease had been achieved by guidance from SIRCOMM.

Michael questioned if we risk losing them at that price. Karen stated AT&T made no counter

offer and as of that afternoon had confirmation that AT&T had signed the lease and mailed it to

the city to complete the signatures. Kyle moved to authorize the mayor to sign the lease when

received. Pam seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the motion passed.

Discussion regarding City’s portion of excess Joint Fire Protection Funds: Elizabeth explained

the discussion about the excess funds that are currently split between the Buhl Rural Fire

Protection District and the City of Buhl at the end of the fiscal year. Currently the city portion

goes back into the general fund. She stated she had discussed it with the auditors and there would

just need to be a motion by council to earmark those funds to a savings account. Michael stated

the Joint Management Agreement states it is strongly encouraged to save those funds. Kyle

questioned if all departments excess go back into the general fund. Elizabeth explained that yes

the other departments excess does go back for those that are budgeted out of the general fund.

Michael stated the city is different from the district because of the other departments that pull

from the general fund. There was discussion about years that were short on funds and the good

years where money could possibly be saved. There was also discussion about the future

purchases that the department will need and items that would make the building more viable for

the future. Elizabeth stated the motion would need to be made every year. There was discussion

of the timing and whether to look at the current year or address it in the next budget year. Mayor

McCauley stated a concern about the potential future manipulation of future budgets years to

increase that savings balance. Michael stated Mark had brought by information about the cost of

the ventilation system and the current quote would be $53,574.00. There was discussion about

the fact that if the money is needed in a certain department that it could be used there if the

council thought the need was over any other department. Consensus was this would be a future

A recess was taken from 9:00 PM to 9:05 PM.

Set Budget Hearing Date: Elizabeth stated she needed to inform the county of the budget date by

April 30th. She added that health insurance renewal information will not be available until July

15th or so. After some general discussion about budget timeframe Kyle moved to set the budget

hearing for August 10, 2015, at 7:00 PM. Pam seconded the motion. There was no discussion

Association of Idaho Cities Spring Workshop & Annual Conference: It was discussed that no

one would be attending the Spring Workshop. The Annual Conference in June was confirmed for

June 10-12. Attendees would be Mayor McCauley, Sue and Regie.

Administration Surplus Items for Disposal: After explanation from Mayor McCauley about the

upgrade to the phone system and the current pile of old phones in city hall the request was to sell

or throw the excess away. Michael moved to try and donate or throw away the items. Pam

seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion passed.

ICDBG Project Bid Approval: Scott Bybee explained that this is phase 3 of sewer line

replacement project. He explained there were two bidders; the component of pipe bursting limits

the number of contractors that can do the job. Scott explained the bid sheet he had handed out to

council members and that Walton Construction was the low bidder and Cascade came in about

$10,000.00 over Walton’s bid. Scott explained they would be happy with either company. He did

explain that Walton’s equipment isn’t as new as Cascade but they are more that capable of doing

the job. Council was also informed the Urban Renewal Agency had approved the bids since a

portion of the matching funds were their funds. Scott explained the work would begin the first

part of May and take 90 days and be complete around the first of August. Scott recommended

awarding the bid to Walton Construction. Michael moved to approve the URA/ICDBG bid

package. Kyle seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion passed.

COUNCIL CONCERNS – Michael pointed out that the second meeting in May is Memorial

Day and asked at looking at cancelling the meeting. Consensus was the second meeting in

Michael stated he would not be at the May 11th meeting.

Pam stated she would not be at the June 8th meeting.

Tom stated he would not be at the July 27th meeting.


MEETING ADJOURNED – Kyle moved that the meeting be adjourned; Pam seconded the

motion and all were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Minutes prepared by Karen Drown, Assistant City Clerk-Treasurer

Sheriff Of Twin Falls County Has A Message

As sheriff of Twin Falls County I strive to keep this office proficient, friendly, and at the top of our game. We consistently train our Deputies to maintain the very best quality of staff. By being well trained, they are confident in their abilities and provide the service and professionalism expected by the citizens of this county. 

Many programs have been implemented which continue to keep our department in a position to best serve our citizens. My unwavering vision and commitment for all local law enforcement agencies to work together as a team has continued by swearing in all city officers in the county as Special Deputies. By doing this, it ensures that jurisdictional issues will not prevent law enforcement from protecting and serving the citizens in Twin Falls County as a whole. 

Due to the recent influx of school shootings around the nation, full time school resource officers are now working with the schools to provide the necessary training to prevent such tragedies from occurring here. We continue to use a Community Resource Unit (CRU) which works closely with the school resource officers. In addition, the CRU offers training to any and all community groups in drug education, drug trends, drug identification, traffic safety and self-defense while stressing the importance of staying vigilant of what’s happening around them. 
Our canine program is strong as ever! We continue to use the dogs to combat drug use in the area. I strongly believe K9 not only protects the deputy but gives our department an edge on fighting crime. Our narcotic deputies work long hours to make an effort to keep drugs out of our communities. 

We at the sheriff’s office have remained fiscally responsible every year since I have taken office. The senior staff meets weekly to scrutinize the spending of tax dollars and have given money back to the Board of County Commissioners every budget year. 

My vision for jail programs to help inmates to get on the right track to again become productive members of the community is becoming reality. With the implementation of GED and drug counseling programs we continue to make rehabilitation and security a top priority. 

I have worked closely with the Employee Council of Twin Falls County and together we have implemented a wellness program for the county employees. This gives them the opportunity to improve their health and hopefully save money on insurance premiums. 

It has been my passion since taking office to do my part to protect the citizens of our county. Recently, I worked to create legislation by passing a law that would enhance penalties for those who victimize our elderly citizens. My goal was to give our seniors the peace of mind they deserve. By passing such legislation, I wanted to send a message that senior abuse would not be tolerated and would be punished to the fullest extent possible. I have vowed to make changes to the purposed bill and continue to try getting it made into Idaho Law. 

In closing, it is my honor to represent the people of this county. I promise to continue to keep the sheriff’s office going in a positive direction while doing our part in making Twin Falls County a great place to live and raise a family. 

Sheriff Tom Carter 

The West Ends Amsoil Dealer

City Of Buhl Concerned About Garbage, Beer Cans And Bottles


MARCH 23, 2015

203 Broadway Ave N

Kyle Hauser Council President

Pam McClain Council Member

Michael Higbee Council Member

Bill Nungester City Attorney

Elizabeth Barker Clerk/Treasurer

Karen Drown Asst. Clerk/Treasurer

WORKING SESSION called to order at 6:30 PM.

Elizabeth Barker confirmed a Quorum.

 Minutes of March 9, 2015: Michael Higbee moved to approve the minutes of March 9,

2015; Pam McClain seconded the motion. There was no discussion; the motion passed.

Consideration of Ordinance designation official newspaper for the City of Buhl: Pam

stated since all members of the council having been furnished a copy of the proposed

Ordinance No. 977 and being fully apprised of the content and purpose of said

Ordinance, she moved that the provisions of Idaho Code Section 50-902 which require

that said Ordinance be read on three different days, two readings by Title only and one

reading which shall be in full, be dispensed with and that said Ordinance be passed upon

one reading by Title only. She requested a roll call vote. Michael seconded the motion.

There was no discussion and the motion unanimously.

Pam moved to adopted Ordinance No. 977 designating the Times News as the official

newspaper for the City of Buhl. Michael seconded the motion. Michael commented it

was sad to lose the publication for the City of Buhl. Kyle stated losing the Buhl Herald is

like losing a piece of the community. There was no further discussion and the Motion

Council thanked Kara Davidson for her time a reporter for the Buhl Herald.

COUNCIL CONCERNS – Michael had a concern regarding an email Pam had sent out

concerning garbage and beer cans and bottles being left after events have taken place at a

local business. There was a discussion concerning the amount and the distance the items are

left around town. Karen explained that Mayor McCauley had brought her that email and

asked her to draft a letter to that business owner in regards to councils concern.

MEETING ADJOURNED – Michael Higbee moved that the meeting be adjourned, Pam

McClain seconded the motion and all were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 6:37 PM.

Minutes prepared by Karen Drown, Assistant City Clerk-Treasurer

City Of Buhl Council Sets Agenda

City of Buhl Council Meeting

May 11, 2015 7:00 PM

Meeting called by: Mayor and City Council

Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at 203 Broadway Ave N, Buhl, Idaho



OLD BUSINESS Minutes of April 27, 2015

Monthly Claims for Payment

Monthly Reports

Clerk/Treasurer Report

Monthly Report

NEW BUSINESS Information regarding potential bond refunding

Questions for Department Heads regarding written

budget notes

Presentation of findings of Rate Committee

Information regarding funding the GIS system

Consideration of Beer & Wine License for La Hacienda

Mexican Food LLC

Karen Drown

Elizabeth Barker

Department Heads

Elizabeth Barker

City Engineer

Cameron Arial,

Zions Bank

Council Members

Scott Bybee

Scott Bybee

Council Members




Elizabeth Barker, City Clerk

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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Buhl Highway District Reports Sign Vandalism

Buhl, Idaho

According to the Buhl Highway District, Vandals have broken several road signs in the District.  Anyone with information on the Vandals is encouraged to call Sheriff Tom Carter at 735-1911.

Attitude Determines Altitude

written by Cindie Trieber

I am certain that you have heard the statement, Attitude Determines Altitude, several times; and perhaps you have it on a wall quote in your home or office. Defensive, grumpy, critical, envious, impatient, martyr, selfish, controlling and sarcastic—although the list could go on and on, these are a few of the many different kinds of attitudes we can possess.
When I started Bible college, (way back in the dark ages) at Pillsbury Baptist Bible College, I was introduced to the word ‘attitude’ in a different way. Starting Bible college as a freshman can be a frightening experience. Not only have you moved away from home, which for most students is quite a distance, you are also meeting new people and being orientated to a LONG list of rules. On one such morning, I was complaining to one of my newfound friends about the long list of rules. She stopped me and said, “Cindie, you have a BA.” Wow! I had only been in Bible college for a couple of days and I had already earned a BA? I had no idea you could earn one so quickly! She then proceeded to tell me that it stood for “bad attitude.” Webster defines attitude as feeling or emotion toward a fact or state—a negative or hostile state of mind. I had to confess that I had both!
This past week I actually found myself with a bad attitude more than once. I chuckled to myself thinking, “How like the devil this is!” I am to write an article for Francie Taylor and she has asked me to write on the subject of attitude. Thanks, Francie!
We came home from a very busy, exhausting few days of helping move my in-laws into a senior assisted care facility. Packing and sorting through ninety years of living is no small task! We arrived home late Wednesday evening and I was tired. Early the next morning my husband announced to me that we were getting a new roof and that they were starting today!
We have a couple of contractors in our church who were given a roof from a very expensive house. They knew we needed a new one and were being very kind and gracious. We had a very old roof with several leaks. However, it already had two layers of roofing on it. In order to put the new roof on, they had to get both layers off by scraping, throwing shingles, more scraping and more throwing shingles! This was before they could even start the pounding, pounding and more pounding of the new roof.
When we moved into our current home, my husband worked VERY hard to make it nice. We especially enjoy the backyard. He wanted it to be an “oasis” for us. We put in a rather large above ground pool, dug it down a couple of feet in order to make it half above ground and half in ground. We had recently purchased a heater for the pool, and I had been able to enjoy that twice before we headed down to Santa Maria to help his parents. I cannot tell you how much I was looking forward to the next couple of days to just “chill” in my backyard.
I was now a prisoner inside and if I wanted to go outside, I had to leave my house. There were several roofers on top of my house and I was not about to be in the backyard, let alone in the pool!
If you know anything about construction, you know it takes far longer than they tell you and it costs far more than you plan. This lesson we had learned very well from several remodel jobs on former places of residence. I was in the midst of construction, my least favorite thing in the entire world, and I hated it. I grumbled, complained, griped, and last but not least, pouted about my present circumstances. Poor me! I was really enjoying my own pity party. I thought out loud several times, “I have worked so hard the last couple of days and I just want to relax. Heaven knows the summer is coming to an end and life in the “fast lane” is about to start up again.”
It was in that moment of complaining that I caught myself. “Cindie Trieber, you have a BA!” Here I was getting a free roof, people to do the roofing for very low cost, no more leaks during the rainy days of winter and I WAS COMPLAINING! I bowed my head and asked God to forgive me, asked the Holy Spirit to fill me and started praising the Lord for His goodness in providing something that Bro. Trieber and I desperately needed for our house. This does not make me a good Christian or better than anyone reading this article, but it illustrates that we can, with the help of the Lord, control our attitudes.
Life throws us a curve ball every now and again and it’s not only a bowl of cherries, but oftentimes, life is the pits! Things happen that are difficult, especially for we as women. We go through emotional changes, physical changes, and financial difficulties (I mean, who wouldn’t enjoy a little more money in the bank account?); but, it is during those times we must rely upon the promises of God and the Holy Spirit to help us keep the right attitude.
Winston Churchill said, “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”
Harry S. Truman said, “The pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties.”
God’s Word says in Psalm 139:16 “Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” Translation for me—He saw me before I was born, every day of my life is recorded in His book and every moment is laid out before a single day has passed.
Check your attitude. You might have good reasons for having a “BA” but we must learn to conquer our attitude every day for the rest of our lives. You can do this. I trust that you will.
God bless you,
Cindie Trieber

About the Author

Cindie Trieber has served the people of NVBC for more than three decades as the Pastor’s Wife. She teaches in the college and is a godly mother and “Nana." She recently completed her first book entitled With All My Heart.

Twin Falls County Most Wanted

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Repeal, Don’t Reform the IMF!

Ron Paul, M.D.

A responsible financial institution would not extend a new loan of between 17 and 40 billion dollars to a borrower already struggling to pay back an existing multi-billion dollar loan. Yet that is just what the International Monetary Fund (IMF) did last month when it extended a new loan to the government of Ukraine. This new loan may not make much economic sense, but propping up the existing Ukrainian government serves the foreign policy agenda of the US government.

Since the IMF receives most of its funding from the United States, it is hardly surprising that it would tailor its actions to advance the US government’s foreign policy goals. The IMF also has a history of using the funds provided to it by the American taxpayer to prop up dictatorial regimes and support unsound economic policies.

Some may claim the IMF does promote free markets by requiring that countries receiving IMF loans implement some positive economic reforms, such as reducing government spending. However, other conditions imposed by the IMF, such as that the country receiving the loan deflate its currency and implement an industrial policy promoting exports, do not seem designed to promote a true free market, much less improve the people’s living standards by giving them greater economic opportunities. 

The problem with the IMF cannot be fixed by changing the conditions attached to IMF loans. The fundamental problem with the IMF is that it is funded by resources taken forcibly from the private sector. By taking resources out of private hands and giving them to IMF bureaucrats, government distorts the marketplace, harming both American taxpayers and the citizens of the countries receiving the IMF loans. The idea that the IMF is somehow better able to allocate capital than are private investors is just as flawed as every other form of central planning. The IMF must be repealed, not reformed.

The IMF is not the only US institution that manipulates the global economy. Over the past several years, a mysterious buyer, identified only as “Belgium,” so named because the buyer acts through a Belgian-domiciled account, has become the third-largest holder of Treasury securities. Belgium's large purchases always occur at opportune times for the US government, such as when a foreign country sells a large amount of Treasuries. “Belgium” also made large purchases in the months just after the Fed launched the quantitative easing program. While there is no evidence this buyer is working directly with the US government, the timing of these purchases does raise suspicions. 

It is not out of the realm of possibility that the Federal Reserve is involved in these purchases. The limited audit of the Federal Reserve’s actions during the financial crisis that was authorized by the Dodd-Frank Act revealed that the Fed actively intervenes in global markets.

What other deals with foreign governments is the Fed making? Is the Fed, like the IMF, working to bail out Greece and other EU countries? Is the Fed working secretly to aid US foreign policy as it did in the early 1980s, when it financed loans to then-US ally Saddam Hussein? The lack of transparency about the Fed’s dealings with overseas central banks and foreign governments is one more reason why Congress needs to pass the audit the fed bill.

By taking money from American taxpayers to support economically weak and oftentimes corrupt governments, the IMF distorts the market, enriches corrupt governments, and harms both the American taxpayer and the residents of the counties receiving IMF "aid." It is past time to end the IMF along with all instruments of American interventionist foreign policy.

Copyright © 2015 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.