Sunday, April 29, 2012

Looking Back At Twin Falls Republicans 2010 Actions

Idaho Power proposing an 8.5 percent increase in our monthly power bills

Twin Falls, Idaho

Dress up a room with a Scentsy Warmer

CISPA is the New SOPA

Washington, DC

Earlier this year, strong public opposition led by several prominent websites forced Congressional leaders to cancel votes on two bills known in Washington as “SOPA” and “PIPA.”  Both of these bills threatened search engines and websites with possible shutdowns if the Justice Department deemed them insufficiently cooperative with our phony “war on terror,” or if they were merely accused of copyright infringement.  Fortunately the American public flooded Capitol Hill with phone calls and Congressional leaders dropped both bills.
But we should never underestimate the federal government’s insatiable desire to control the internet.  Statists of all parties, persuasions, and nationalities hate the free, unbridled flow of information, ideas, and goods via the internet.  They resent the notion that ordinary people can communicate and trade across the world without government filters or approvals.  So they continually seek to impose controls, always under the guise of fighting terrorism or protecting “intellectual property” rights.
The latest assault on internet freedom is called the “Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act,” or “CISPA,” which may be considered by Congress this week.  CISPA is essentially an internet monitoring bill that permits both the federal government and private companies to view your private online communications with no judicial oversight--provided, of course, that they do so in the name of “cybersecurity.”  The bill is very broadly written, and allows the Department of Homeland Security to obtain large swaths of personal information contained in your emails or other online communication.  It also allows emails and private information found online to be used for purposes far beyond any reasonable definition of fighting cyberterrorism.
CISPA represents an alarming form of corporatism, as it further intertwines government with companies like Google and Facebook.  It permits them to hand over your private communications to government officials without a warrant, circumventing well-established federal laws like the Wiretap Act and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act.  It also grants them broad immunity from lawsuits for doing so, leaving you without recourse for invasions of privacy.  Simply put, CISPA encourages some of our most successful internet companies to act as government spies, sowing distrust of social media and chilling communication in one segment of the world economy where America still leads.
Proponents of CISPA may be well-intentioned, but they unquestionably are leading us toward a national security state rather than a free constitutional republic.  Imagine having government-approved employees embedded at Facebook, complete with federal security clearances, serving as conduits for secret information about their American customers.  If you believe in privacy and free markets, you should be deeply concerned about the proposed marriage of government intelligence gathering with private, profit-seeking companies.  CISPA is Big Brother writ large, putting the resources of private industry to work for the nefarious purpose of spying on the American people.We can only hope the public responds to CISPA as it did to SOPA back in January.  I urge you to learn more about the bill by reading a synopsis provided by the Electronic Frontier Foundation on their website at  I also urge you to call your federal Senators and Representatives and urge them to oppose CISPA and similar bills that attack internet freedom.
Congressman Ron Paul of Texas

Who is Ron Paul?

Sunday, April 22, 2012


written by  on the topic of FeaturedLadies Only on February, 2011

It has been several months since I have written an article for the North Valley News, and it is with some reluctance that I write this one. Trying to determine what to write, I have asked myself several times what could I say that would be pertinent to fit needs while being a blessing and an encouragement to you.
A lot of water has gone under the bridge since my last “For Women Only” article.  During 2010, many happenings in my life in have been exciting and wonderful, while others have been heart-wrenching and devastating. It is easy to praise God when things go smoothly; but when heartaches and disappointments come, that can be a different story. If you’ve had one of those “less  fortunate” experiences in your life, you know what it’s like to have well-meaning people try to cheer you up and give you plenty of advice and, of course, Scripture. While people mean well (and I have done the same thing), quoting Scripture and telling someone  that God has everything under control doesn’t always bring comfort.
Now, before you say,  “Wow, Mrs. Trieber, how unspiritual of you,” let me explain. When a person has been saved for years and is truly seeking a close relationship with the Lord, that person really doesn’t need someone quoting Romans 8:28 to her. She knows it is in the Bible and probably has quoted it many times herself. Another thing people don’t need to hear is about your experiences and how bad you have or have had it! I know we would all like to think our situation is a “ first,” but it just isn’t so. We’ve all read the quote,
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”
and many others just like it. There’s no need to share them with a seasoned Christian going through dark days.
Let me share with you what one friend  did for me. She wrote a personal note in her own handwriting, (not a text or an e-mail) and  simply said: “ I know you have gone through some difficult experiences  and although  I can’t say  anything  you don’t already know,  I  wanted to let you  know that I am praying for you.” That was it, cut and dried! I read the note and thought, “No story to share and no list of Psalms or Scriptures to read? That’s unusual.” That simple note from a dear friend many miles away made me realize how  I need to be careful with the advice I give and the comments I offer when others are going through hard times.
February is known as national “Love Your Heart” month. You can easily pick up more than one magazine in your local grocery store or Target that will suggest good things to do for your heart like diet, exercise and supplements that all promise to be “heart healthy.” Suffering from a broken heart can hurt so deeply that it actually causes your physical heart to hurt. Let me encourage you with this thought: broken hearts do mend even though, at the time, it doesn’t seem they ever will. Do what is necessary to help with your heartache—like reading Scripture, praying, singing songs and hymns—then let God do His perfect work in your life.
Keep in mind that you are not the first to be acquainted with sorrow, grief and pain; and be very careful what you say to others during their difficult times. You will be so glad you did!
Until next month,
Mrs. Trieber


Cindie Trieber has served the people of our ministry for more than three decades as the Pastor’s Wife. She teaches in the college and is a godly mother and “Nana." She recently completed her first book entitled With All My Heart.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Professor Obama Gets an F

Washington, DC

Last week President Obama made some rather shocking comments at a press conference regarding the Supreme Court's deliberation on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. His comments belie a grasp of constitutional concepts so lacking that perhaps the University of Chicago Law School should offer a refund to any students "taught" constitutional law by then-Professor Obama!
He said, "Ultimately, I'm confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."  It almost sounds as if he believes the test of constitutionally is whether a majority approves of the bill, as opposed to whether the legislation lies within one of the express powers of the federal government. In fact, the very design of the Constitution, with power split amongst two branches of the legislature which write the laws, an executive who administers the laws, and an independent judiciary which resolves disputes regarding meaning of the laws, was designed to thwart popular will and preserve liberty.
President Obama continued in his comments, "For years, what we've heard is the biggest problem on the bench was judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint, that an unelected group of people would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law. Well, there's a good example, and I'm pretty confident that this court will recognize that and not take that step." 
President Obama seems to misunderstand that the criticism of an activist judiciary is not that it is overturning unconstitutional federal laws, but instead that it is usurping the authority to intervene in areas, such as abortion, where the Constitution reserves authority to the states. In fact, upholding clearly unconstitutional laws such as Obamacare because the justices bowed to the "will of the people" or believed the individual mandate was good social policy could be considered an example of judicial activism.
The founders never intended the judiciary to have the last word on whether or not a law is constitutional. The judiciary is equal to the Congress and the President, not superior. Representatives, senators, presidents, and judges all have an independent duty to determine a law's constitutionality. The founders would be horrified by the attitude of many lawmakers that they can pass whatever laws they want and federal judges will then determine whether or not the law is constitutional.
Additionally, state governments have the authority to protect their citizens from federal laws that threaten liberty. If the Supreme Court rules that Obamacare is constitutional, I hope state legislators will exercise their powers to pass legislation allowing their citizens to opt-out of the national health care plan.
Unfortunately, even many of my colleagues who correctly argue Obamacare's unconstitutionality support the President when he asserts the power to send troops into battle without a declaration of war, or have citizens indefinitely detained and even assassinated on little more than his own authority. Other of my colleagues not only cheer the unconstitutional monstrosity of Obamacare, but support the President's actions to defy the Senate's appointment powers, and legislate by executive order.
Even worse, some members will only challenge a President's unconstitutional actions if the President is from a different political party. The defeat of Obamacare in the courts would provide a stark reminder that the limits of government are set by the Constitution, not the will of the President, Congress, or even the Supreme Court. However, the victory would be short lived as long as the legislative branch refuses to do its duty to abide by the Constitutional limits and exercises its powers to ensure the other two branches do likewise.
Congressman Ron Paul of Texas

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Freedom Between You Ears

Buhl, Idaho

Let’s be up front. In the 2nd district in Idaho, a democratic candidate for a major office has no realistic expectation of winning an election in 2012.
For people who want to know, my opponent in this primary race is concentrating on raising money. Well, it doesn’t matter how much she comes up with, she won’t win.
Oh, most likely, she will win the democratic primary, but she’ll be DOA next fall. For her to obtain money under those kinds of false pretenses is quite a bit worse than immoral and unethical. It’s obscene.
Our team does not need any campaign contributions. We are in this to amuse, to educate, and to entertain. And, given the right political circumstances, we could possibly win the primary. It’s extremely doubtful, we’ll give you that. The only possibility is IF the blue collar vote turns out on May 15th. That’s the only way we can win.
All of us know it’s a long shot. Yet, it is a shot worth taking. Between now and May 15th, I will be taking that shot. All of us must work hard to get the blue collar vote to turn out for Jack Wayne Chappell for U. S. Congress!

Jack Chappell

Thursday, April 12, 2012

In Praise of Private Charity

Washington, DC

One of the great fallacies of our time is that if government doesn't do something, no one will.  Its corollary is that if you are opposed to the government doing something, that you are opposed to anyone performing that function at all.  These disastrous fallacies color much of our national debate concerning heath care, education, poverty, housing, and disaster relief, and other issues.  
This Easter season, I would like to applaud an organization that proves just how much private charity can accomplish without government mandates or intrusion.  Convoy of Hope, based in Springfield, Missouri is equal parts grocer, clothier, heath care provider, first responder, educator, and logistics expert.  It works with communities across America and around the world, bringing together other local charities, businesses, churches, and government agencies to alleviate poverty and help people in the wake of disasters.  The tremendous scope of its activities serves as a reminder that government is neither the sole, nor the best, provider of goods and services to people in need.
I recently had the privilege of touring Convoy of Hope's headquarters and distribution center.  It was a humbling but encouraging experience.  Frankly, I've never seen an organization so focused, efficient, and poised to do so much good for so many people.
Convoy of Hope was founded by Hal and David Donaldson in 1994, who, as young boys suffered the death of their father and subsequent poverty.  Both men were struck by the outpouring of support their family received during that time from local churches and the community.  As a result, the two brothers developed a deep sense of responsibility to helping others in need.  Convoy of Hope has since helped more than 50 million individuals in more than 100 countries-- giving away nearly $300 million worth of food and supplies in the process.
They typically spend only about 10% of their budget on overhead while employing a small staff of approximately 85 people.  Watchdog group Charity Navigator consistently gives Convoy of Hope high marks for both its financial acumen and transparency.   
Convoy of Hope also stretches its resources by developing strategic partnerships with private sector corporations, including Coca Cola, Nestle, Procter & Gamble, Georgia Pacific, Cargill, Del Monte, and FedEx.  These corporate donors donate everything from building supplies to bottled water to toiletries.  Its massive distribution center and headquarters are centrally located in Missouri, where its fleet of trucks can dispatch quickly to any location in America.  It also operates six international distribution centers for logistical efficiency. 
The next step for Convoy of Hope is an audacious one: a 50 state tour beginning in May designed to address poverty across the United States.  The "Convoy of Hope Tour" will provide an average of $1 million in goods and services to a community in a single day.  Convoy of Hope's fleet of 18 wheel trucks will roll through every state, providing a wide variety of goods and practical services to those in need, including groceries, job counseling, clothing, dental care, breast cancer screenings, haircuts, family portraits, children's activities, as well as prayer and connections with local churches.
Convoy of Hope is doing tremendous work on behalf of mankind. I wish everyone at Convoy of Hope great success with their upcoming tour.  It's hard to imagine a government agency operating as efficiently, as nimbly, or as cheerfully as Convoy of Hope. I truly believe it should serve as a model for private, voluntary, nongovernmental solutions to poverty and disaster relief in our communities.
Congressman Ron Paul of Texas

Who is Ron Paul?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Is your sled ready for storage?


Santa Clara, California

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”
II Timothy 3:1-5
“Perilous times” have laid siege to California. No survey or study is necessary to substantiate this reality. Nevertheless, California is no different from any other state or, for that matter, any other place in the world. Its skyline might be shaped by a distinct culture and rapid growth technology, but the spiritual temperature is indistinguishable from any other location on the map.
However, to the glory of our Lord, there is also no denying that amazing strides are being made in His work on this coast. Having lived here for nearly 60 years, I can personally attest that the condition of the New Testament local church in California is stronger now than it has ever been; and I am pleased to share the following report with our fellow laborers:
1. California has more independent, fundamental Baptist churches now than any other time in its history. We may have had 25-30 good churches back in the 1950s and 1960s, but there are now well over 100 strong churches scattered all over the state.
2. California has more young people attending Christian schools now than in years past.
3. California has more young people attending Bible college. From our ministry alone, there are 61 young people enrolled in Bible college, preparing for full-time Christian service. That number increases by leaps and bounds as we consider the young men and women attending Bible college from any of the 100+ independent, fundamental Baptist churches in California.
4. When I was a young boy growing up in California, there was not one church in the state that averaged 1,000 people in attendance. I can now point to many churches that average 1,000 or more in attendance.
5. More is being accomplished with the Bus Ministry than ever before in the history of California. Hundreds of buses—“wheels of mercy”—are picking up men and women, boys and girls and bringing them to the house of God every Sunday.
6. Churches in California are now sending more missionary dollars to the foreign field than ever before.
7. More people in California are using the King James Bible now than any other time in the nearly 60 years I have lived here.
Such a report cannot be traced to man but solely to God. “This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes” (Psalm 118:23). In the past several decades, I have seen the Lord bring young men to this state to serve Him; and now—10, 20, 30 years and more later—they are still serving Him and the people He has entrusted to them. God has used these faithful men to establish other churches in California, send young people to Bible college, and ultimately, mobilize this state for a greater harvest.
Please understand—I am not suggesting that California will soon be exempt from these “perilous times” or that revival is rampant on the west coast. “Sin lieth at the door” here as it does everywhere else, yet we see evidence of the Lord’s hand of blessing throughout California. You, too, can trace the hand of God in your own state, across America, and around the world. It is my prayer that each of us will “consider how great things he hath done for you” and for His work today. Yes, the hour is late; and yes, sin is abounding; but may we never forget that our God is still in control and still blessing His people.


Pastor Trieber has served as the pastor of the North Valley Baptist Church since March 1976. He is also the Chancellor of Golden State Baptist College. His latest book is Words to Live By.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Buhl, Idaho


9TH DAY OF APRIL ,2012 ,AT 7:00 /PM
1.Barrett McClure ,WILL SPEAK AT  7:30


Miss Eva M. Wagner, Secretary

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Perfect Blend of Science and Nature

Established in 1992 in Salem, Utah, Neways creates, manufactures, and distributes an extensive line of quality, safety-conscious personal care products, nutritional supplements, and household products, all of which contain only the safest ingredients.
From the beginning, Neways has been concerned about controversial ingredients used in many consumer products and has educated consumers about these concerns. By combining the best of science and nature, Neways strives to maximize people’s health and beauty while minimizing their exposure to potentially controversial ingredients.
In 28 countries around the world, independent Neways distributors share the products with their friends, family members, and acquaintances. Neways distributors not only enjoy the benefits of safe products but can also earn income by taking advantage of Neways’ lucrative compensation plan.

Click For Your Local Buhl Contact

Public Corruption

Public corruption is a breach of trust by federal, state, or local officials—often with the help of private sector accomplices. It’s also the FBI’s top criminal investigative priority. To explain why the Bureau takes public corruption so seriously and how we investigate, we talked with Special Agent Patrick Bohrer, assistant section chief of our Public Corruption/Civil Rights program at FBI Headquarters.
Question: Why is public corruption so high on the FBI’s list of investigative priorities? 
Answer: Because of its impact. Corrupt public officials undermine our country’s national security, our overall safety, the public trust, and confidence in the U.S. government, wasting billions of dollars along the way. This corruption can tarnish virtually every aspect of society. For example, a border official might take a bribe, knowingly or unknowingly letting in a truck containing weapons of mass destruction. Or corrupt state legislators could cast deciding votes on a bill providing funding or other benefits to a company for the wrong reasons. Or at the local level, a building inspector might be paid to overlook some bad wiring, which could cause a deadly fire down the road.
Special Agent Patrick Bohrer
Special Agent Patrick Bohrer
Q: Can you describe the kinds of public corruption that the FBI investigates? 
A: It really runs the gamut. Bribery is the most common. But there’s also extortion, embezzlement, racketeering, kickbacks, and money laundering, as well as wire, mail, bank, and tax fraud. Right now, based on our intelligence on emerging trends, we are focused specifically on several major issues: corruption along our national borders; corrupt officials who take advantage of natural disasters or economic crises to divert some of the government’s aid into their own pockets; and a myriad of officials who may personally benefit from the economic stimulus funding.

Q: Where do you find this corruption?
A: Just about everywhere—at the federal, state, and local levels throughout the country. And I should point out, the vast majority of our country’s public officials are honest and work hard to improve the lives of the American people. But a small number make decisions for the wrong reasons—usually, to line their own pockets or those of friends and family. These people can be found—and have been found—in legislatures, courts, city halls, law enforcement departments, school and zoning boards, government agencies of all kinds (including those that regulate elections and transportation), and even companies that do business with government.

Q: How does the FBI investigate public corruption?
A: We’re in a unique position to investigate allegations of public corruption. Our lawful use of sophisticated investigative tools and methods—like undercover operations, court-authorized electronic surveillance, and informants—often gives us a front-row seat to witness the actual exchange of bribe money or a backroom handshake that seals an illegal deal…and enough evidence to send the culprits to prison. But we have plenty of help. We often work in conjunction with the inspector general offices from various federal agencies, as well as with our state and local partners. And we depend greatly on assistance from the public. So let me end by saying, if anyone out there has any information about potential wrongdoing by a public official, please submit a tip online or contact your local FBI field office. Your help really makes a difference.
Public corruption FBI

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Scentsy Wickless Candles and Warmers

Support Your Local Police Committee Formed

Buhl, Idaho

According to Rick Martin of Deep Creek, the Magic Valley chapters of the John Birch Society have formed a Support Your Local Police Committee.  Mr. Martin is the chairman of the Committee.  Mr. Martin reported the following to be members of the committee;

Herb Duel of Buhl, Vice Chairman
Liz Niccum of Twin Falls, Program Chairman
Joe Coffman of Twin Falls, Secretary-Treasure
Dr Arp of Filer, PhD, Publicity Chairman 
Scott Kaster of Clear Lakes, Membership Chairman

According to Mr. Martin this is the committee's statement of principles;

Twin Falls County Support Your Local Police Committee
Statement of Principles

We believe that the first and most solemn responsibility of all public officials is to
protect the lives and property of the citizens of this community. Our local police, who
have been entrusted with this fundamental obligation, have fulfilled their duties
admirably, justly earning a reputation as "the thin blue line" protecting the law-abiding
citizen from the lawbreaker.

We are extremely concerned about recent developments in this country which have
imposed new and dangerous burdens on our local police. Harassment and outright attacks
against the police, in many instances organized and controlled by subversives, criminals,
and illegal aliens, have increased alarmingly. Court decisions have placed unreasonable
restrictions on the forces of law and order, while freeing many criminals from prison and
imposing only the mildest of sentences on others. And far too many politicians have
bowed to the disruptive tactics and outright threats of organized pressure groups.

It is for these reasons that we have organized this Support Your Local Police
Committee. We urge all responsible citizens in this community to work with us to:

- Support our local police in the performance of their duties;

- Oppose all harassment or interference with law enforcement personnel as
they carry out their assigned tasks;

- Reject any "civilian review boards" or other outside "supervision" of our

- Prohibit the creation of any national police force, or any other centralized
authority, which would replace or control our local police;

- Oppose any and all efforts to subsidize, regionalize, or federalize our local
police, since any loss of their independence from outside controls will
inevitably lead to a loss of our protection and safety as well;

- Accept our responsibilities to our local police, to defend them against unjust
attacks, make them proud and secure in their vital profession, and to offer
them our support in word and deed wherever possible.

We pledge to inaugurate a community-wide program to support our local police and
keep them independent. We will work to create more understanding of the problems and
threats our police face. We will remind our fellow citizens that our police have earned
our help and need it now.

Mr. Martin is currently taking speaking requests for community groups such as local Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, Rotary Club, etc.

For more information please contact Mr. Martin at 409-7363 or at his email